Great pictures, as always!
I'd like to comment a bit on the small "ikonostasi" .
( It's the small metal box with the cross on top)
"ikonostasi" means, in verbum pro verbo translation, an icon-stand. In Orthodox churches, it consists of a wall of Icons that separates the main body of the church from the sanctuary. In this case though we have a small one, outside of a church, that may or may not have an Icon in it!
In Greece and Cyprus, you can find this kind of small Icon-stands in the most strange of locations. On beaches, on mountains, on small windy country roads and on the side of busy highways. In some cases, they mark the place where an actual Icon, or some other holy relic, was found, but the majority of them (my apologies if this is becoming a bit macabre for the serenity of your actual post) were raised by the families of accident victims, as a sort of a shrine for their lost beloved people.
I wonder what sort of story lies behind that small Iconostasi near the lake! Is it a tragic one or one of a relic discovery?
Beautiful share. Yes, I wonder......