By the Title you guys probably know what I am going to talk in this article, yes its an exchange that currently on beta which allows you to trade crypto against Fiat. You can actually buy/sell crypto currencies against fiat (dollar, pound etc).
For clear your doubt what I'm talking about you can actually test the beta on your own.
What makes you wait to test there beta, join now and make the best use of their feature:
(* Please note that Blockbid QA beta will be running on testnet for the first few weeks for testing purposes)
As you can see the quick features of their beta in the picture. It is what it is, this is the best feature that any exchange come out in 2018. Thumbs up for BlockBid.
your obvious question is if blockbid is a modern exchange then why does it needs their own tokens/crypto currency? I am going to answer your question in a minute but for now look at the feature of blockbid are going to give you. You surely notice in the beta they are offering us zero fee trading facilities. So they needs something to cover up the cost for running the exchange successfully and they have to pay their employees, So what they did is sold their tokens in ICO and make take all the cost from the investors and invest them into the exchange. that simple is that.
There is nothing fault with this, all of the modern exchanges have their own coins.
And the best part is they successfully completed the ICO period.
Lets get in the business, you see the quick features of the exchange that I am talking about, now time for diving into the deep. I am going to point out every best possible feature of this exchange.
1. Fiat Currencies : Blockbid will support mainstream fiat currencies for more diverse trading. sound great? more to come, stick on.
2. Cryptocurrency : Blockbid will facilitate trading of more coins on a single platform than any other exchange . Surely that is what is you are searching from the time you start crypto currency trading.
3. Easy Access : Blockbid platform has been built to support traders of all experience levels . will see about this when the original is out for us to trade.
4. Secure : 95% of all crypto asset deposits are stored in an offline multi-signature hardware vault . That feature is bummer. It sounds like something huge.
5. Best Rates : With flat 0.1% transaction fees, Blockbid offers the lowest rates available. Who wants to see their hard earned money eating by big number of fees while trading against fiat.
6. Insured : Blockbid exchange is one of the first to be fully covered by cybersecurity insurance.
7. Speed : Blockbid exchange is built from the ground up to be capable up to 1 million transactions per second. I personally don't like to wait in line for transaction.
Lets talk about the reality, we are standing right in front an era of Crypto Currency. This the beginning of crypto era, and already we have witnessed so many great accomplishments by so many companies. As I said this is the begging so that means we are yet to see more amazing things with crypto currencies. And for that to happened we need to link crypto cuurencies directly to fiat. Blockbid is trying to do exactly with their Exchange.