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Me as a Steemit writer in Top Article @ TheNextWeb (with some big crypto names)

Description:- is a very popular technology portal. Alexa Stats Lately my work as cryptocurrency blogger have been noticed…
Blockchain: The Greatest Paradigm Shift Of Our Generation

Description:- It has been a whirlwind cryptocurrency conference tour for me, starting with Nexus in Aspen, followed by the Dash…
Meet Steem's Top 30 Witnesses!

EXCLUSIVE: Record Label for Artists on the Blockchain

Description:- Introducing: FSE is a record label exclusively starting on the Steem Blockchain. This label was created to…
STEEM & SBD gateway with 0% fees for decentralized trading platform Bitshares RuDEX launched

Description:- Good news everyone! When we announced our STEEM witness campaign back in March, we’ve promised to create…
SportsPodium - Executive Introduction

Description:- SportsPodium is a blockchain-based, incentivised information ledger for sportspeople and sporting communities.…
Soferox ICO - Twin Blockchain and Proof of Pact Algorithm

Description:- This is another interesting ICO i saw lately. What mostly interested me is their unique alghoritm called PoP and a…
Announcing the Newest HardFork Series Team Member: Producer & Actor, Naomi Brockwell

Description:- When we started this amazing project barely a few months ago, we decided to keep the community updated with all the…
Lets see how BTC-E aka WEX is Doing after Re-launch!

Description:- If you didnt read before - BTC-E was the oldest running BTC/crypto exchange that always got their users back. USA…
STEALTH token giveaway

Description:- For those of you who are still here in support of my products and projects, please ping me on Telegram (see 1…
Daily: SEC forms "Cyber Unit", Omise Partners with Mcdonalds

Description:- Boxmining Daily 26th Sept 0:50 Market Recap 1:55 USA: Creation of “Cyber Unit” With Broad Powers, Including ICO…
Who are we?

Description:- We are SportsPodium and we are a sports community and we rock. And YOU are part of the collective. Image…
Kickico - Blockchain Fundraising Platform

Description:- Kickico - Platform for crowdfunding, crowd investing, and ICO Crowdfunding platforms are very popular and they have…
MUSE gateway with 0% fees for decentralized trading platform Bitshares RuDEX launched

Description:- Good news everyone! If you paid attention to our previous announcement of the RuDEX gateway for PPY tokens then…
The Best Coins to mine with GPU/CPU right now (ETH algo rocking it!)

Description:- This changes often and you should be checking it if you have any CPU (processor) or GPU (graphic card) and computer…
0x: A Better Way to Trade ERC20 Tokens

Description:- The beauty of studying a brand new technology like cryptocurrencies and blockchains is that we get to watch it…
Decentralized Exchanges: The Future for Trading Cryptos

Description:- Most likely your very first experience purchasing bitcoin involved using a centralized exchange. If you can…
VJ LIVE! Ep. 38: Open Video Chat: Flag Worship/The Profundity of Crypto/Steemit!

Lets turn Steemit into a MMORPG !

Description:- Lets turn Steemit into a MMORPG ! Steemit need more than bots, Steemit needs real interaction! In the last…
Blockchain USE CASES - Programmer explains

Description:- Blockchain use cases - a very important topic that I think we need to talk more about! What can blockchain be used…
Blockchain: The Greatest Paradigm Shift Of Our Generation

Description:- It has been a whirlwind cryptocurrency conference tour for me, starting with Nexus in Aspen, followed by the Dash…
Blockchain USE CASES - Programmer explains

Description:- Blockchain use cases - a very important topic that I think we need to talk more about! What can blockchain be used…
NEO Has Surged 30% Within 24 Hrs | CoinNest Exchange Will List NEO Tomorrow | Is It Going To Surge Further?

Description:- If you're closely monitoring the crypto market, then you must have known that NEO was almost down to $13 few days back…
Bitcoin Price Forecast 9/27/2017

Description:- Buckle your seatbelts we are preparing for takeoff! Current MC: $144.25B (+$8B) Bitcoin Dominance 47.8% It's…
I already miss the summer

Description:- It was a great summer. I had fun with my friends and family. I had 3 months holiday and in few days I am going to…
STeX - Introduction - STE Token - Stex Exchange - Pre Sale Is Live

Description:- Hello, STeX : - Introduction : - BUY STE Token Right Now! STeX is elaborated as SMART TOKEN EXCHANGE…
Meetup with Erik Voorhees from Shapeshift ... Online! Tuesday, Oct 3rd

Description:- 100x Blockchain Investors Weekly Webcast For our very first episode next week on Tuesday, Oct 3rd we have Erik…
Special Announcement : New Discord Channel, bitConspiracies Overview, Website Launch & Writers Requirement !
Description:- Latest Announcement About New Updates : September 2017 bitConspiracies Overview bitConspiracies is a blog page…
¿Podría la tecnología blockchain ayudar a combatir la corrupción?

Description:- Respuesta corta: categóricamente Sí . Así es como lo veo… El gobierno NO PUEDE controlar para nada las…
BitConnect Cambio di Strategia e Staking

Description:- Ho deciso di adottare un cambio di strategia rispetto a quello che avevo mostrato qualche tempo fa. In realtà più che…
bitcoin rising to $ 4100 - Take advantage of your increase

Description:- Yesterday I commented on investing in bitcoin since it was raising its price. When I told them it was at $ 3900 per…
ETH HITS $1000 IN 2018

SportsPodium - Executive Introduction

Description:- SportsPodium is a blockchain-based, incentivised information ledger for sportspeople and sporting communities.…
The Left-Wing Case for Cryptocurrencies

Description:- In this video, I'll be discussing why I think those on the left should rally behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security invests in Blockchain $$$$

Description:- Coindesk published an article about the DHS investing $749,241 to fund DigitalBazaar to create Blockchain…
What percentage should you invest in each coin to become a multi-millionaire? A winning index strategy (updated 9/27/2017)

Description:- Investing in crypto is becoming a safer bet each year as Bitcoin and altcoins get older, improved and better…
Kickico - Blockchain Fundraising Platform

Description:- Kickico - Platform for crowdfunding, crowd investing, and ICO Crowdfunding platforms are very popular and they have…
NEO Update: Wave (v) Target of $44, after Wave (IV) correction. The Video Analysis has all the details!

Description:- -- If this blog post has entertained or helped you to profit, please follow, upvote, resteem and/or consider…
Aufsatzreihe auf Deutsch: Blockchain Technologie und Gesellschaft. 8/D - Steemit - die Zukunft der sozialen Medien

Description:- Mit Erschrecken habe ich festgestellt, dass meine im Mai begonnene Aufsatzreihe nicht fertig gepostet wurde. Anbei…
Mysterium - a decentralized VPN service that makes you safe and earns you money

Description:- What is Mysterium? In short, it is basically a Decentralized Network of VPN nodes, which acts as a marketplace. It…
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I share a few pictures in my blog.I liked to share with you all here on Steemit