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RE: Decentralized Blockchain Labor Unions? Could we take corruption out of all human institutions? Decentralize everything from schools, hospitals, offices and even Government with Bit Congress, but its all going to create JOBS for EVERYONE!

in #blockchain8 years ago (edited)

The technolopgy is already here, its just not spread out fairly, people arent given a chance to work online and make money, steemit and online marketinggigs and other work at home jobs are one way to alleviate this poverty and its ALL about money, the 800 million chronicaly undernourished humans on this planet dont go hungyry because theres not enough food, they go hunrgy because they dont have enough money (not like theres not enough money either, peopel just arent sharing it with them) and im sorry but when that many people go hungry you HAVE to find jobs for them and give them SOME way to have food security or your whole civilization just doesnt work...and its nota question of whats fair or not its simply borth compassion AND a question of why would u waste the prodiuctivity potentrial pof 800 million half fed potentiak workers whgo would probobly be very valuable if u got them all working at ful power! And we have the sustainable power systems like solar panels and battery systems to alow every human to become self sufficient......the technology is ALL here., its just not evenly distributed and to distribute it the people at the bottom need a sort of boost, some say it must be universal basic income but it MUST be disguiused as ACTUAL jobs like ssteemit for example, or else UBI will be too controversial, peopel will complain that they work and dont get fre money while others DONT work and get paid MORE for NOT working.....ok anyway prepare for MASSIVE rant and its not directed at you fully @janamclaughlin im just venting here at peop[el who think poor people in afria dont have ther right to industrialize and NOT be starving because they will ovrheat the if we have any right to tell poor african people that they cannot bring themselves out of poverty because of the enironment after europe totaluy raped Africa for centruies, burning TONS of coal and oil, getting rich making our own industry, and then Obama has the nerve to come to Africa a few years ago and say thatif they all used AirConditioning the planet would boil over?!?!?! WHat the FUCK man...u CANOt just tell Africans that WE were alowed to industrlaize but THEY arent alowed to?!?!?!?!

Its ALL just a HUGE scam to STOP the developing world like Africa from having the same stuf as us in teh first world and being actual COMPETITION with us! they dont want that so theyre using this fake environmentalism FAKE global warmining bogus "climate change" scam to STOP the developing world from uplifting itself OUT of poverty ! Sorry but solar panel and electric cars ARENT that great yet!theyre NOT cheap enoiugh and right now GASOLINE and cheap intrnal cpombustion engine sar ethe ONLY OPTION for MOST people on this planet so PLEASE dont be one of these evil people who believes gasline is evil because of co2....sorry but its done WAY more good than ahrm....i agre we should watch our emissions but untill the elite want to share some of the money they make printing up federal reserve notes and use those to BUY solar panels for EVERY last person in Africa and asia then DONt tell them they cant use their scooters and gasoline to get around and power theior ecopnomy.....its literaly AL they have is Oil and Coal in the deveoping world., and to take that away all of the sudden and imploiment some carbon tyax SCA< is just so inhuman and they make u believe your doing it for the planet but youresupporting an in human monsterous policy that simply STOPS human deveopment where iuts needed the MOST

Ok first of DISCLAIMR I am gonna be venting out ALOT of my frustration at people who are for carbon credits and i APOLOGIZE if this is not what you im[lied buyt im just gonna address my comment at peopel who honestly believe the poor people on earth should not be allowed tpo industrialize because they beloieve the planet will "boil over" if everyone in Africa got airconditioning (not true, solar powered AC would actualy COOl the earth LOL just kidding but honstly if everyone had solar panels to run thir air conditioning there would be no problems with running as much AC as you need! and its not just a comfort thing, in Africa you NEED Ac just to fall asleep!
ok so like i said i APOLOGIZE for how I am bout to sound, i wanna be an adult but i HAVE to show everyone how I feel about this! wait wait wait hold on, the EARTH doesnt sustain us..WE sustain ourselves.....if anything it is the SUN that sustains us all NOT the earth....Do you really believe that poor people in Africa don't deserve to have air conditioning like Obama? Do you realize how in human that is? WE ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED to give EVERY human a COMFORTABLE MIDDLE CLASS AMERICAN LIFE and I mean BASICS of a small apartment a scooter for transportation, an HDTV with solar panels and wifi or mobile 3g 4g internet, and just enough money to buy fod and a lil buit of entertainment....I am not saying they have to CAUSE AS MUCH WASTE or USE AS MUCH RESOURCES as midle class talking about the style of LIFE nota LIFESTYLE im talkinbg about just havinga REGULAR life without SUFFERING where someone has EVERYTHING they need in the modern world! i outlins it as a solar powered bicycle toweed trailer! its good enough! it will have solar panels and electricity and wifi and a lil tablet or a nice big HDTV if they can afford it, its not that complicated and the end result is a life with the SAME comforts as any midle class american! they may not have a House as BIG as americans and they probly wont buy as much crap and create as much trash asamericans..but that was never part of the plan why would it be?!?! i can just sense the leftist efake environmentalist carbon credit bullshit.....

The earth is not what sustains us, electricity comes from the sun now, solar panels are all we need, we already HAVE the technology to give EVERYONE a middle class first world lifestyle

Im not asking for everyone to be flying around on their own jumbo jets and living in giant skyscraper mansions, (altho even that would also be possible down the line, ) its just i get SO angry when people act like we cannot allow poor people in Africa and Asia have what we have here in teh developed world, as if the earth will "boil over" from human activity

its so annoying, we have people who dont get that the SUN is heating up the planet NOT humans, and instead of focusing on the pacific trash vortex the left wants to focus on caron dioxide and a carbon tax as if that would EVER help...come on...i know where this leads!

I have to get this all out! makes me so mad that leftists in the first world think they have tthe right to tell poor people that they arent allowed to have a good life because its not good for the planet?!?!?! Ill tell you whats not good for the planet, 800 million humans that go to bed hunrgy every night

so LETS SAY that feeding and housing 800 million hungry chronically undernourished humans who STILL go to bed hungry EVERY night in 2017, lets say that if we took care of them, the planet WOULD heat up...Then so be it! id RATHER have 800 million humans NOT suffering than worry about "the planet"

the planet will be FINE she can HANDLE herself

Earth was here before we existed and will be here long after we are gone....please stop acting like the planet cant handle what its already been handling for a while now

To insist that you have the right to claim the planet is over populated menas youy think you are God and you get to decide who gets to breed......

We need to have these large populations as humans to spread out into space and colonize mars and the moon and the asteroid belt and other solar systems.... Thats WHY we are at this stage with massive population growth...we arent just some fucking virus of bacteria, we have technology we have consciousness

every human life is valuable and every human can be used to bring value to our civilizatioon

Robots will clean up ALL the plastic from the oceans, we will also have technology to clean the radiuoactive waste of fukushima but that was not my fault, and the people who run those plutonioum nuclear reactors are criminals and should all be put in prison nuclear power should be illegala nd its going to be seen as one of the GREEDIEST things in history, to ACTUALLy destroy tha planet for MILLENIA just for a few gigawatts of eelctricity ....its fucking greed pure and simple

The ide athat people think Nuclear is some how CLEANER than coal or oil?!?!?!! Id rather have 10 gulf oil spills than a nuclear disaster at 10 percent the severity of fukushima ..the oil is eaten upo by bacteria and naturally dissipates and sure it kills alot of life temporarily but doesnt alter the fucking DNA and contianimate shit for ever....look at the gulf today its fine, the oil is gone, the life is back in full, sure theres some damage but in a few decades it will be like it nver hapened, but with Fukushima and Chernobyl, we have DEAD zones that NONE can EVER be around, AL becvause of the GREED of a few fucking assholes who decided they HAVE to make some money seling electricity andbuilding nuclear reactors,

and we LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT?!?!! and now we STILL have idiots saying how much we NEED nuclear energy?!?!?!?!!?!?!

WE just PERMANENTLY ruined the earth FOREVER with Chernobyl and Fukushima! Just wait untill we have fucking 3 and 4 different meltdons, just BLACK spots on the earth....and you climate change idiots will still be for nuclear energy ...none of YOu have to live near ukraine or sendai region of japan, none of these nuclear energy profiteers have to experience the pain of being born with radioactivity causing deformities, JUST like none of you people who are against life giving fossil fuels and AGAINST alowing Africa to industrialize cutting off thir resources, NONE of you have top experience STARVATION because of some pompous arrogant global warming policies from the developed world stopping africans from having industry because 'It will hurt the planet" what about HUMANS?!?!?!