You have heard a lot that the most important part of cryptocurrency world is the technology behind it, specifically blockchain. That is definitely true.
To probe such affirmation, We need to understand blockchain and its properties.
A definition for humans, blockchain is like a protected auditable document, that records transactions, grouped by blocks that cannot be modified because there are joined as a chain.
Getting Deeper, blockchain is a decentralized database, multiple nodes on the network contains a syncronized and replicated version
The most known implementation of blockchain is the one used for supporting Bitcoin Transaction, which is public and maintained by a Peer to Peer (P2P) network of computers
Some true sentences about blockchain:
- It's Shareable & transparent (can be audited)
- It can be Validated (Non-Refutation)
- It's Immutable (one change on a block and follow blocks are invalid by the nodes)
- All the informations is encrypted
- The uses of the platform is under consensus (pre-defined rules)
- There is not need for a middleman
This is the first post of a series for understanding the cryptocurrency world, here we want to explain on a simple way for non-technical people.