Tron and Blockchain Gaming: The Future of Play-to-Earn Models

in #blockchain4 months ago

One of the things that I have seen which have helped the digital space recently is the introduction of the Blockchain technology as it has helped a lot of sectors of the world and one of them certainly is the gaming sector which I will be talking about today. The Decentralised Finance and the Blockchain platforms working together have been able to transform the gaming industry from what we know it to be to a new template and that is helping the play to earn mechanisms in the gaming industry.

Tron as a Blockchain network platform which was established by Justin Sun in 2017 have been able to help in introducing the P2E gaming model to the gaming industry. The Tron ecosystem which is known for its high transaction speed, low fees and also transparency have been able to play a very fundamental role in Blockchain gaming for both players, developers and also investors.

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Let me start by talking about the Evolution of the Play to earn gaming as how it started and where we are currently now. Over the decades of years, we have always been used to the traditional gaming models as it helps to focus on players just spending money in the gaming platforms but not earning in return. Most especially it is just based on spending money to purchase some in-game items just to enhance entertainment. We have had a series of Blockchain games that have come into the picture such as Axie Infinity, Sandbox and many more.

Let me briefly talk about the strength of Tron that it possesses in the Blockchain gaming space most especially. The Tron which is one of the top Blockchain networks have helped to push the gaming industry forward and that was made possible because of the network ability. Tron network is different from the Ethereum which is always congested and always has high gas fees. But with Tron, we have a faster environment for gaming applications to thrive which is very important.


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I have come to learn that one of the strong ability and advantage that the Tron Blockchain has is the ability to actually handle a lot of transactions at once much more compared to other Blockchain network like Ethereum, BITCOIN and much more. Research made me to understand that the Tron Blockchain can handle like 2,000 transactions per second. For the gaming industry, that is just the type of experience needed because there must not be delay in the gameplay as it is very important.

Well not even only limited to that, the ability to also be able to carry out those transactions at a very low transactions fee for either the gamers, developers go a long way to enhance participation within the Tron ecosystem. All these actually summed up to create an environment that is needed for the games to thrive on the Tron Blockchain and for the play to earn models to also thrive.

There is the appeal of play to earn on Tron Blockchain for gamers and developers. Like I said earlier, the gaming industry keeps evolving and keeps getting better as it is not what we think it is always years back, nowadays with the Blockchain games, players can play and earn income in return with addition to the entertainment feeling they will be getting from the game. This is really huge because for some players, gaming has become a source of their income and so It is increasing the massive adoption of the gaming world most especially the Blockchain games.