I am a Human Being in Recovery from the Adolescence of the Species. You may be in recovery too.
Take just a moment of reflection back to your high school years and you can easily see the parallels between the world outside your window and the corridors of pain, excitement, individuation and confusion that is adolescence...truly a time in our lives of less sense. But we don't often realize that until later. The balm of time can grow compassion for the wince that comes when a memory of adolescent shame or pain stings even years later.
Why do I look at our species as adolescents about to grow up? Suffice it to say that after years of study and work in the fields of esoteric human behavior patterns* I stand firmly on the belief that all of humanity is on the verge of adulthood...if we choose it. Certainly, just look around at human activity and interaction to see the world screaming at us to take more responsibility; think instead of react, care instead of destroy. Both Nature and human systems are pushing, squeezing and demanding us to grow. The real threat is not that we're going to destroy ourselves, it is that life will go on. And the way we're doing things now is NOT WORKING for many if not most. Damn it we're going to have to grow up and create new ways to do and be.
There are so many ways - just look to this forum of ideas - for people to effect personal growth. People wish to grow and master their lives even in the midst of such change (or maybe because of the rapidly increasing pressure and rate of change.) We know in our hearts it is up to us. Is it so hard to take that lens of personal growth and apply it to all of humanity?
Consider one of the tenants of psychology; that people become abusers because they have been abused themselves, usually in early years. It makes perfect sense; we learn as children and then keep re-creating the behavior patterns learned early until we can recognize the patterns and heal ourselves from the initial traumas. Humanity has generations of repetitive abusive patterns to change. Change - new behaviors - only become possible when we can put the past behind us - solidly. This kind of healing takes time, space and choice. It takes responsibility...a very adult thing to do.
Often change starts with separating from the circumstances and people who re-enforce the old abusive behaviors. Control the surroundings so we don't keep re-injuring and compounding the early hurts and reactive behaviors. How the ******* does an entire species do that when we're daily threatening to drop bombs of one kind or another on our neighbor. How can we trust anyone???? or ourselves?
Enter Blockchain technology.
Blockchain technology's intrinsic Fairness of transparency and traceability creates an immutable trustless system. In other words we don't have to trust each other, we can trust the calm surety of numbers and distributed ledgers. Let the machines do the endless repetitive patterns. We can free ourselves to be the mutable, creative and dynamic beings we are. Just imagine a world of dynamically changing, creative adults. We don't even have to love one another, we only have to start with being fair....give ourselves the space to breathe, the time to heal, the chance to build trust and the opportunity to remember who we are. Blockchain technology help's create a space for Fairness.
Fairness replaces the comparative systems we've used until now. The comparative adolescent systems boil down to believing we're either 'better than' or 'less than' another. And therefore life's perk's ( like assured survival and even the pursuit of happiness ) aren't deserved naturally. The ultimate lie and abuse of humanity. Look outside and its everywhere; gender, race, nationality, hair color, team affiliation, breakfast choices.... :). Yes our divisive comparisons are as ultimately silly and purposeful as all the different groups you found lurking in your high school corridors. We ALL be people. It is that simple and as emotionally difficult to own as flying to Mars. Oh yeah, that's in the works; so let's get on it, healing the abuse of division in our human family. It is not rocket science. And yet I find it ironic that it is the science of Blockchain technology's platform of fairness that can create the emotional safety to build trust and heal the wounds of adolescent separation.
The short of it. Humanity needs the space to stop re-injuring ourselves. A time to recover. We need to re-build the trust in ourselves as a species. We need to grow up and take responsibility for being human (not perfect, but good enough) ......and lo and behold, miracles and wonder.......we created Blockchain, just in time!
See, we're not so bad after all....a very adult thing to realize.
Celebrate the changes!
Photo: Hubble infrared image of the Lagoon Nebula. Credit: NASA/ESA/STScl
- My beliefs come from 30+ years in the passionate study of metaphysics and humanity's growth with sources beyond the belief of most. If you are curious or interested you can find more at the Peace Genesis Project and Conversations with SOTU.
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Thank you! Will check out your blog.