There is no doubt that the internet till this day stands among the very peak in human achievement and innovation. This wonder of human creation was the first tool to break the chains that have for centuries and millennia stifled the flow of information around the world, and thanks to it today, access to information is no longer an exclusive privilege of a few. But almost like every other invention, there are side effects to the searing rise of the importance and use of the internet in the modern life. With the creation of whole new vast industries such as e-commerce, and with much of our social activities going online, there have been a plethora of problems that have been plaguing the use of this tech, adversely affecting the users the most.
The average user in the present arrangement of things in the world wide web universe is much a sidelined character. While being offered “free services” such as addictive social media platforms or free email and cloud storage, the internet users today by far are the most valuable commodity there is, even more important than the once almighty oil. It is often said that if the service is free, then you are the product, and this reflects the sad reality of internet use in our world today. No revenue whatsoever comes back to the users themselves despite the hundreds of billions of dollars they generate which is completely hijacked by the big corporations. Advertisement is now highly weaponized as the case of the Cambridge Analytica scandal has shown the world. Users’ privacy is being violated all over and in the end, no one benefits wholly from this lopsided arrangement but the corporations themselves.
A Platform That Welcomes All
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The #be Solution
#be is revolutionary platform much like the cutting-edge profiling and blockchain technology that powers it whose aim is to shake things up, rearrange and completely reimagine the equation of the present internet use status quo. #be is a unique platform that for the first time will put everyday internet users at the center of all attention and in full control of their own privacy. #be seeks to cause a major disruption in the way things are run by the corporations and create an egalitarian, transparent, and fully accountable ecosystem that makes sure the internet user is not just in absolute control of who accesses their data and when they are also able to fully harness its potential and get monetary benefits from it.
The idea that internet users don’t have a say or that centralized and impunity-ridden corporations will continue to offer “free services” in exchange for the right to abuse users’ privacy when it suits them will be made a thing of the past. #be aims to create a whole new industry with its own economic instrument (the BE Token or BETOK for short). This will be the main medium of exchange on the platform where users consciously allow third-party advertisers access to their digital activity data in exchange for payment in #be tokens. #be hopes to create a fully-functional marketplace of people digital activities, one that puts the users at the head of the table
The #be platform is a unique platform in that it fairly distributes the benefits of this highly lucrative and dynamic data market to all those that play a part in its existence. Advertising budgets in the current industry only reaches the big tech companies with users having no share, a thing that #be will completely change, eliminating the middlemen and rewards both users and publishers for the crucial parts they play in the industry. What this means is that beyond the users themselves, businesses now no longer have to spend over budget or waste precious resources on a rampant hit-or-miss ad campaign that the present industry indulges. Ad dollars will be more accounted for as advertisers now will be certain that every cent spent brought in something back, giving them a clearer ROI picture. Publishers that also lose tons of precious revenue are also protected with this platform, as every transaction, or ad campaign run on their platforms are recorded on an immutable blockchain that can be accessed and vetted by anyone with access to a computer and an internet connection. #be is a platform that takes the data industry from its present draconian arrangement to a more equitable arrangement that benefits those that actually matter, the users, the advertisers and the publishers. #be stands at monetization of digital activities and personal data as Airbnb stands at monetization of private rooms and flats. Imagine which value would have an Airbnb crypto currency if this company had issued a token few years ago. Now you see the potential of #be
#be will launch the ICO on 27th September 2018. To get involved, go online to Beico.Info.
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biblegateway (-5)(1) 7 years ago
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