AssetFun Development Weekly Update - Aug 9, 2018

in #blockchain7 years ago

Week of July 30th and August 4th
Changes made through this week to AssetFun

Work Completed
[AssetFun Core] Updated the blacklist of main net.
[AssetFun Core] Finished the development and test of delayed transfer function in server side.
[AssetFun Core] Added length limitation to the contact info of token backer.
[AssetFun Wallet] Finished the private test and acceptance check of batch transfer.
[AssetFun Wallet] Enhanced wallet pages.
[AssetFun Wallet] Upgraded the wallet of main net to deploy batch transfer function and wallet enhancement.
[Others] Upgraded the public test net.
[Others] Updated the deploy documents of main net.

Working in Progress
[AssetFun Core] Updating the open source code.
[AssetFun Wallet] Developing the wallet pages of delayed transfer function.
[AssetFun Wallet] Developing the enhancement of token fundraising pages.

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