Completely, if witnesses represent the will of the community (as some may say), then it is up to them to make decisions based on the feedback of this latter. The decision-making process shall pass by a step where they explain the changes to the community.
If they represent the will of the community then the community does the explaining to the witnesses, not the other way around. How do you figure that the community demands the witnesses act a certain way yet the witness must educate the community about what the community demanded of them. Complete idiocy. The only thing that is required by witnesses is to Validate Blocks btw.
if there are no changes planned, then it is up to them in most part to provide the community with information regarding any complex issues to help the community to form an unbiased opinion.
Because? Why not, after all they aren't there to Validate Blocks, they are there to fret out issues, because why not.
I agree. If it's your job, then you are accountable and should know your shit.
I am not defending them not sure why you are bringing this btw.
If you're not defending them why are you saying that they should be educated by those who find their actions cringe-worthy?
Yes, that's why people watch the news. Because they can't go to Irak and see what's going on live. Not everyone is an expert on blockchain development, in order for everyone to understand anything, people who are technical and have the job to scan the code before running it should use layman's terms and explain the situation to people instead of using the "just trust us, you can't understand it" approach and silence.
People can chose to watch the news exactly like they can chose to seek any and all the information that they are unsure or not informed about, and no one has any responsibility to either publish or share the information, and there is absolutely no lack of such information, so to suggest that people are kept in the dark about ANYTHING to do with Steem is complete nonsense.
You are here since 2016, not sure if this is a real question or sarcasm.
That is a very valid question and it has nothing, fuck all nothing, to do with me:
If others have found the information for themselves, what keeps others from doing the same, or who, what, where, how and why are people kept in the dark as you try to baselessly claim (all nil explanation or evidence for)?