VPLedger blockchain explained in 10 slides - MVP First SaaS Product Lifetime Membership Subscription Available

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)

Welcome to https://vpledger.com, the world's first SaaS and BaaS blockchain built for small and medium enterprise adoption with zero-fee cross border transfers, cutting-edge technology and compliance by default

The new distributed ledger platform will take an ‘enterprise first’ approach in every aspect of its development and operation, offering businesses a secure, compliant and flexible way of accessing the benefits of blockchain technology.

Introducing VPLedger Blockchain in 10 slides











NB! An affordable way to upgrade as Lifetime Member (LTM) on VPLedger.com before deadline January 31st to secure your spot could be buying OBITS and using this as payment or as means of migrating into VPLedger testnet!

1000 OBITS = 1000 VPL = 1000 EUR value on VPLedger.com

Save money buying LTM, and use OBITS as payment

Right now OBITS is available as voucher on the exchange https://www.bitsg.com/en_US/trade/OBITS_USDT

or as token immediately ready to use for migrating on the market: https://openledger.io/market/OBITS_BTS

1000 VPL = Lifetime Membership Subscription. Upgrade before January 31, 2020 no limit of members, funds returned on account at time of mainnet.

From February 1, 2020 the amount of 4000 Members and maximum 10 from same country is the limit of LTM subscriptions if not achieved before this time.

All OBITS used to migrate to VPLedger.com is burned from BitShares network.

The total OBITS supply of 14 497 286 is equal 1:1 to the total supply of VPLedger SaaS tokens called Vimples (VPL) offered on VPLedger.com, and whatever OBITS has been used as voucher via ERC20 OBITS version or as way of migrating in form of BitShares network token OBITS, they will be the supply available on VPLedger via testnet initially to send and receive or to be used to upgrade as Lifetime Member, and finally on mainnet when launched as supply available.

OBITS ERC20 tokens can also be used to buy VPL, but needs done via BUY section on VPLedger.com. These OBITS vouchers are also burned from total OBITS supply.

Some links of interest

Check out what is VPLedger all about on: https://vpledger.com

Check out the connection between OBITS and Vimples (VPL): https://vimple.openledger.io

Register on VPLedger testnet to prepare for upgrade: https://testnet.vpledger.com/greeting

Media writing about VPLedger, OBITS and eDEV

https://cryptocoin.news/press-releases/edev-decentralised-freelancing-on-the-vpledger-blockchain-platform-32414 https://www.investitin.com/edev-and-vpledger-use-case-hiring-a-developer-to-build-a-new-stablecoin/ https://nulltx.com/edev-and-vpledger-use-case-hiring-a-developer-to-build-a-new-stablecoin/ https://themerkle.com/edev-decentralised-freelancing-on-the-vpledger-blockchain-platform https://www.newsbtc.com/press-releases/an-introduction-to-vpledger-a-suite-solution-for-businesses https://www.cryptocompare.com/coins/guides/how-blockchain-technology-can-provide-a-global-software-as-a-service-platform https://www.ccn.com/vpledger-an-all-in-one-blockchain-platform https://www.coinspeaker.com/vpledger-blockchain-platform https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/an-introduction-to-vpledger-a-suite-solution-for-businesses https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2019/12/how-blockchain-technology-can-provide-a-global-software-as-a-service-platform https://www.blockfeed.today/2019/12/30/a-smart-solution-for-real-business-problems https://usethebitcoin.com/a-smart-solution-for-real-business-problems https://www.cryptoninjas.net/2019/12/30/vpledger-a-smart-solution-for-real-business-problems

On Medium VPLedger handle plenty more and very well written content articles about VPLedger:


Follow twitter handle: https://twitter.com/vpledger2 Follow facebook handle: https://www.facebook.com/vp.ledger.58 Follow Instagram handle: https://www.instagram.com/vpledgerworld Follow linkedin handle: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/vpledger/about

Connect to testnet VPLedger in an easy way, just scan below QR code for link:
