What's happening to cryptocoins?
I've been stalking them for a while now and my check this morning seem to be spectacular!
Everycoin seem to be dropping and bitcoin wasn't left out as it dropped to 14k USD surprisingly!
What's happening? The drastic fall amongst the coins seem to be alarming in a way. Only a few have managed to rise or stay put.
Cryptic masters, I wouldn't mind your explanations about this morning's drop on 95% of digital currencies...
Buying bitcoin just doesnt worth it with all the big fees. I think I'll invest my money on steem and neo.
I did buy a little bit of ripple
It is due to issues related to regulation that been made after a discovery of terrorism in the world of currencies.
A former CIA counterterrorism analyst has claimed that jihadist groups are looking to boost their cash reserves on the rising value of Bitcoin.
Yaya J. Fanusie, the director of analysis at US think tank the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ Center on Sanctions and Illicit Finance says that although untraceable cash remains the global terror network’s preferred medium for moving funds, recent online activity shows that jihadist groups are turning to Bitcoin digital currency to attract funds from supporters.
Oh wow. I hope this does not affect the crypto market so much
Markets go up and down. I wouldn't freak out
Yeah, but the drop was alarming today... Roughly 95% coins dropped