I'm sitting here on a day off from exchanging my time, for a currency that i require to supposedly live. Listening to Tool - Lateralus, surrounded by the frustrations of seeing the world for what it is and wanting change.
It soon occurred to me, what am i actually doing to help this world? Other than the small things i do in my own life to minimise my footprints, i am working on nothing, no plan, no idea how to make my real contribution for change. How can i sit here with these feelings of pain and frustration for what is going on and do nothing about it.
Although understanding what the world could look like if we all adopted a decentralised block chain system, i really have no idea about the workings and technology of it. I've been more about a vision of the world that we can create, its about time i started learning.
You're capable of learning anything, all the information you need is now at your finger tips, you just have to want it. I've been preaching this lately to others, but it has only just occurred to me that its about time i started to truly practice what i preach!
My goal is to now figure out how i can bring my own project that will benefit the entire world to the blockchain. We need to figure out a way we can all utilise our time to help with the greater good, and not for the greater self and evil.
My journey to help change this world begins!
correction: our journeys begins the day we are born
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The fact you want to help means you probably are helping without realising it. Your intentions will lead you to where you need to be.
Thanks for your very inspiring comment! =)