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RE: What is Tauchain & Why It Could Be One of The Greatest Inventions of All Time (Part 1: Introduction)

in #blockchain7 years ago

Logic based AI will never deliver what is promised here, way too limited. This reminds me of the AI expert systems of 30 years ago with an extra meta level. It sounds nice but it will become utterly complex, think of the amendments on the amendments of e.g. law. He thinks he can avoid that by encapsulating semantics and wants us to speak in that encapsulated language. No, honestly, I am not convinced of this project. The only thing I really like is using block chain technology to grow a kind of brain, great application of the tech but waiting on better implementation of it.

I didn't know you are running a witness node, will try to remember it next time I open vessel, which position are you more or less?

Posted using Partiko Android


Logic based AI will never deliver what is promised here, way too limited.

Logic based AI is already in use! If others have a demand for it already then why would it somehow not work here? I would love to have access to expert systems and super computers like what governments can use to help me improve my decision making.

Here is an example of what logic based AI (the same kind empowering Tauchain) can do:

Compliance is a huge problem in the crypto space. Imagine how much time and money can be saved if these functions are automated?

Value is produced if a product can save time for the users. That is all Tauchain will have to do to be useful to me. If it can allow me to do more in less time then it has saved me time and the Agoras token has value.

And logic based AI can do that better than pattern recognizing AI. For decision making pattern recognition AI is very limited compared to logic.

Hi, I was in AI myself as well about 10 years ago for a short while, but that was machine-learning/pattern-reg. I didn't know much about symbolic AI until last year and still don't know much about it at all. Anyway, I think you should check out more about what the project is up to, Ohad has put a lot of thought into it and it'll be great to have more people asking the hard questions. As for your concerns about amendments on amendments, check out this blogpost:

Thanks for considering btw! I think I'm at about #60 at the moment.