Hello Johano! I support faircoin since I meet faircoop proyect in late 2014. As a fan of bitcoin I was looking also others coins like litecoin or feather. BUT when I discover faircoin and faircoop I found that a great community I was suporting since world economic crisis in 2008 was working with faircoin, headed by Enric Duran, was easy for me to trust the proyect in a 100%, maybe that many of them are spanish activists helped ( I am from Spain ) but nowadays is growing in lot of places in the world, and fast!
I dont support hierarchies and I believe that the correct way to do things is in a cooperative way and between equals, Faircoin is working very well creating a entire new and fair economic system based in blockchain and cooperativism. with many proyects out there with real value and real impact, I invite you to research about it and I am sure you will discover something you like.
Also you can check the monetary Kit tool being build for faircoin. I am sure you will like it! https://fairtoearth.com/
I add some more links!
https://use.fair-coin.org https://market.fair.coop/