<<wealth creation is based<< 5th last line <
in many cases on quantitative easing, which is given to the buddys, who invest it in the stockmarket.
To what percentage ?
it would be a nice idea to replant the rainforest with high biodiversity. Instead of stockmarket-highs.
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Hi I apologize for not seeing this till now. Good point. I submit that the same people who at this time promote and will profit from any reforestation project are those who engineer quantitative easing. The good news is that the People in many ways are reforesting. A recent NASA report with photos, shows more planetary plant growth overall since they first started documenting. If you have seen the report or you check it out and disagree, I would be interested to know what you think.
Reports from the ground say this burn takes place every year. It is in many ways a result of crude faerming methods and can be improved. Supposedly this year is not as bad as other years. The media, which supported quantitative easing promotes this year in their messaging.
I worry most that the ignorance involved is destroying species that could be preserved with better planning. I worry even more about indigenous people who may have no hope of the life they once knew or perhaps even life at all. I haven't found any reports on that yet.
w.r.t. your last two sentences i found some information in german language:
Zeitschrift „bedrohte Völker - pogrom“ - gfbv.de
Die GfbV-Zeitschrift „bedrohte Völker - pogrom“ berichtet regelmäßig alle zwei Monate und aktuell über verfolgte ethnische und religiöse Minderheiten, Nationalitäten sowie indigene Völker in aller Welt.
w.r.t. reforestation 2 remarks:
burning of rain-forest must be stopped.
Only then it makes sense to plant new biodivers forest.
It does not make sense to plant monoculture of any kind.
you really have to follow the laws of Nature.
It only makes sense to plant
new forests with <<< high biodiversity.
You need an expert and 40 different trees, bushes, plants to create a useful edible forest with useful trees.
any kind of administration is not allowed to know this.
also look at desert-greening.com for replanting the desert.