Purely for the sake of putting my comment here in perspective ito where I come from: I grew up surrounded by art, artists, architects, art literature, complemented by lawyers, mathematicians, technology, politics, and the accompanying culture, in a rustic rural environment, thatched roof house, indigenous garden, milk cow, horses - the whole caboodle.
And I went to a public school on a bicycle. A school drawing most of its pupils from the less privileged part of town, small holdings and the surrounding agricultural district. It was hard. I did't really fit. But it exposed me at a young age already to the broader complement of society, something I was privileged to experience at a later stage in life again, when I lived for four years in the fairytale town called Greyton, in the Southern Cape, South Africa, where I interacted as an adult again with all layers of society, from retired tycoons and professional artists to beggars and thieves. Intimately. (Google Greyton - fascinating place)
And from this perspective, my current passion is to see blockchain technology redistribute purchasing power in a more socially sensible manner.