My name is Jerry and I'm the founder of and I was curious if I could get some feedback?
On our site you'll find fundamental analysis on all crypto currencies, important investment stats and long-term price predictions We're working on other cool features like: Coin Comparison and technical analysis.
Thanks for sharing this awesome post @steem-buzz. I think we should work together with Crypto breakdown.
I was wondering if you could give us some feedback to improve our platform:
Any feedback would be really appreciated. We're committed to supporting the crypto community to the best of our abilities.
Many thanks in advance.
Nice site Jerry. It's really nice the fact that you added the analysis tab there. At the first glance I think it would be nice to add some small charts for each row with the evolution in let's say last month/week, etc.
I'm going to write one post about coincheckup. Thanks
Great feedback @steem-buzz. Thanks so much. Do you mean a chart that shows the how the score increases or decreases? This sounds great. Our end goal is a community driven platform/wiki arround coins. Anyhow before this we would implement techincal analysis and coin comparison tools.. Work in progress ;-)