“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
Latest democracy index from The Economist Intelligence Unit shows that United States, France and Italy are being demoted from a full democracy to a flawed democracy. Flawed democracies are nations where elections are fair and free and basic civil liberties are honored but may have issues for example: poor economic performance, reaction against economic reform, and media freedom infringement.
Another result of flawed democracy maybe come after President Trump praised China’s Community Party for abolishing presidential term limits which cleared the way for President Xi Jinping to stay in power indefinitely.
Democracy has turned into Dynasty rule where son replace father or husband replaced by wife. This kind of nepotism exists everywhere. This kind of nepotism recognize the need to prove to the family that they are capable of achieving what they pursue.

From getting jobs in government departments and military service, there are specific quota for employee’s children of government posts or seats. Other than this specific quotas, there is widespread favoritism to make it almost impossible for any outsider to get any post. Therefore, only specific families inherit these promising and secure jobs.
The reality is that you can not have democracy without politics. Most people believe in the idea of democracy, however frustrated they may be by the gap between the promise and reality.
Democracy is like something that no one can control, and in which the direction is set by politicians with little genuine accountability. It is like a contest for influence.
Racism and race relations are world’s top problem. We saw protests over high-profile incidents of police brutality toward blacks. On August 2017, at least one person has been killed and many others injured after a car hit a crowd of anti-fascist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia. Is this democracy?

Bitnation is the answer to the question of democracy. Bitnation is the new decentralized structures of social organization allow memberships not based on exclusive geographical criteria.
Bitnation can not change the current government system. But it offers the ability to create new, borderless jurisdictions where citizens can form virtual nations and other types of communities based around shared interests, behaviours and visions.
Bitnation is building a new system. The one that is relevant, responsive and amenable to the needs and aspirations of the people.
The platform was built on top of the blockchain technology and producing an array of new techniques that can make democracy more effective and interesting like a reputation based ID System, Dispute Resolution dApps, Mutual Insurance, Diplomacy, Security and more. What Bitnation essentially provides people with is a toolbox for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) governance.
There has been a lot of interest in Bitnation. Opposition groups in Venezuela and Romania and proponents of self-government in Catalonia, are experimenting with Bitnation’s jurisdiction to create their own governance models as well. This more than just a democracy, this is what we really need.
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