I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry
Really good piece of work. Im following all originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about effect.ai.
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.
You mind if i would ask you few questions?
- it's not easy to purchase effect.ai. which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
- do you think that effect.ai will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?
They have a telegram channel https://t.me/effectai where people can consult them all kind of things.
One thing people criticized about Effect.AI was the age of some of their members. About dbc, I don't know much about them actually. Couldn't tell you which has more potential.