Blockchain Technology Finally Provides Individuals A Practical Method Of Limiting The Power And Abilities Of Governments, And The EOS Platform May Make These Applications More Realistic To Deploy Than Ever Before.

in #blockchain8 years ago

Through the deployment and utilization of blockchain technology,many government actions could very likely become obsolete. 

For the first time in recent history, a piece of technology has come along that truly has the ability and power to make many government functions unnecessary. Governments have proven time and time again that a big government structure inevitably creates more problems for their citizens compared to the services they provide, and is a concept that many seem to be naive to. People have become so accustomed to the presence and influence of big government over their lives that they don't seem to remember that another solution is possible. The functions of government that many libertarians and other small government advocates have believed in such as ensuring property rights, may soon be able to be accomplished through utilizing blockchain technology alone rather than having to have an arbitrary institution confirm ownership. The distributed and transparent nature of distributed blockchain databases has copious advantages in and of itself, but could also prove to be much more inclusive to individuals throughout the world. 

The advancements in blockchain technology couldn't only improve the freedoms and quality of life of individuals in the 'developed' world, and could have an even bigger impact on individuals living in underdeveloped countries and those who live under an oppressive government. Everything from allowing individuals to have a safe and private method of connecting to others on the internet, to giving individuals a method of protecting their wealth from their irresponsible government,  could be huge practical use cases that blockchain technology could accomplish. The utilization of Bitcoin in underdeveloped countries has talked about for a very long time, but has yet to experience tremendous levels of support, While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies haven't yet accomplished adoption in many 'underdeveloped' countries, the success of mobile payment systems such as M-Pesa within Kenya prove that these individuals are ready and willing to find more efficient solutions for transferring and storing value. 

You may have heard about the 'constitution' that will accompany the EOS platform, but let me explain a bit about why it's so important.

The EOS platform will utilize a blockchain 'constitution' which will act as a set of rules and 'conditions' of the platform, and is comparable to the terms of service that nearly all businesses currently utilize. What I am truly excited about is the fact that the constitution will also outline the methods in which disputes and issues are handled on the platform. The constitution will outline a dispute process that is internationally binding, meaning that all disputes on the EOS platform will be handles 'internally' on the platform, likely through the use of requiring a majority of network producers to support the same course of action. This is a first for the cryptocurrency space, but I believe it will be highly beneficial and effective at mitigating the need to utilize government courts and legislation to determine the solution to a dispute on the platform. 

The use of a constitution that outlines the process and procedure for disputes will enable application developers and network participants to have very clear guidelines on how to behave, which will give all parties involved the knowledge and ability to act honorably. The dispute process will not require lawyers, mediators, or arbitrators in order to handle disputes and issue a judgement, because the dispute procedures outlined in the constitution that all parties must agree to is handled completely internally. In a traditional court or mediation much of the evidence and materials are never made public, but the transparency that blockchain technology provides will allow for all users to explore the dispute on the blockchain. The network producers will be held accountable because all of the votes and decisions they support for every dispute will be published on the immutable blockchain, which gives stakeholders the power to remove their votes if they disagree with a specific witnesses decision on any particular issue or support. '

How does the DPOS model provide more honorable, democratic, and transparent form of governance?

While relying on an internal dispute process does still rely on the decision and 'opinion' of a specific group of people, all of the power over the election and removal of these producers lies solely with the stakeholders. In order for network producers to maintain their support from stakeholders, they must prove they are able to act honorably and in the best interests of the network. Due to the fact that a network producer's income relies solely on their ability to produce blocks, they are highly motivated to act honorably in order to achieve and maintain support from stakeholders. The stakeholder support is 'refreshed' once every hour, so a witness who is missing blocks or acting dishonorably can be removed by stakeholders in an extremely fast period of time.

 All of a producers actions and decisions are reflected on the blockchain in real-time, so large stakeholders will be very attentive to the actions of the network producers that they support. The ability to use proxies and delegate stake to other users gives users of all sizes to efficiently take part in the voting process, without the need to constantly watch the actions of the network producers that they support. A user who is not interested in understanding the specifics of how the voting process actually works has the ability to delegate their voting stake to other users they trust, and is able to be an active part of the voting process. 

Applications that could be deployed on a type of platform such as EOS could provide new solutions that we haven't seen yet, and could prove to finally give individuals a practical method of conducting many actions without the need for government interaction or interference. Everything from a distributed blockchain medical record database to a distributed land ownership database could prove to be more efficient and reliable than the services provided by governments and institutions, and platforms such as EOS could actually provide a practical method and avenue for this to be achieved. An application specific blockchain could handle one of these use cases as well, and many projects and platform have attempted to, but have not received significant success. Having access to a wide array of different practical applications on the same platform is what will make the platform practical for the largest number of people, and I believe that DApps on the EOS platform could support these types of use cases efficiently and more successfully than ever before. 

I really hope that you enjoyed this post, and as always I urge you to leave any comments, questions, input, ect. in the comments below! Thanks for the support and for reading!

image sources:1-2-3


High rEsteemed!

Founden some good infos there , keep working man well done ;)

very good friend

I have high hopes! I need to invest in EOS as a hedge to the BTC blockchain.

I had to share this exceptionally well done post.