1.- A higher (much higher) degree of transparency and accountability. Blockchain is already a great step forward in terms of decentralization, efficient crowdfunding and attractive investment opportunities for the 99% at very early stages of high risk / high yield projects, but there is still room for development in terms of transparency and accountability. We have watched some shady ICOs turn into open fraud. Some people have lost their investment after buying a cryptocurrency that never had a sound business model backing it. We demand, as a community, to see much more value-adding projects, solid business cases and long-term self-imposed transparency mechanisms.
2.- A more ambitious approach towards global challenges. Future ICOs could bring much more value to the world economy if they go beyond disruptive business models and propose moonshots aimed at contributing to solve aspects of the greatest global challenges, such as hunger, extreme poverty, climate change and biodiversity loss. The opportunities are there. Why can’t the next ICO address climate change and carbon footprints? Why can´t the next ICO propose a solution (and a sound business case) to protecting ecosystems while empowering communities with sustainable agriculture models? Why can’t the next ICO blow our minds with a plan to improve the existent medical research networks and get us closer to curing diseases like cancer and diabetes? Commitment to causes (deep-rooted, ambitious philanthropic and environmental causes) other than the mere economic benefit, will surely be rewarded by the crypto community.
3.- Proof of concept. We (the community) need to see that the people launching an ICO have invested themselves enough effort and resources as to have already some value backing their project. Those who have been creative during the scarcity of resources at the early stages of their projects are the ones worth investing in because they will also be creative during the abundance once we have invested in their projects and they have raised millions of dollars. Let them prove the value of their project and their own investment before we all invest.
Let us support those projects that have gone the extra mile in generating value before the ICO, shown commitment to environmental and philanthropic causes and created strong transparency mechanisms.
Great post! Thank you! Very informative!
This post is amazing, however, we have to be creative and smart
Super app...! Looking at the past track record it's hard to argue with the results. I'm impressed, keep up the good work donation coming your way if this keeps up
Thank you very much!! This community is fantastic to inspire people to learn more about the potential of the cryptos and blockchain. I am following you too!
thank you for your hart work, appresiating
Thank you ! Cheers! =)
So far all my ico investments have served me well... thnx for this post. upvoted and followed.
What are some indicators of ICO ponzi schemes? I am eager to get into ICOs but need to do a lot of research :)
It depends what do you mean by ponzi scheme, there are a lot of businesses outside crypto that start & fail... same here... look up my posts about the latest craze ICO .. dont be too late though..
How do you see Electroneum ICO?
There are 1146 coins and tokens in the market.
Wow! That is a big number! I did not know that! Thanks for the info! =)
You are welcome.
Hello, @taspingo ! I had in mind what you mentioned (the number of coins and tokens) this morning as I wrote my new post. Maybe you will find it interesting! Let's keep in touch! Cheers!
Welcome with you as a friend any time.
@cryptotequila i think despite all of the points especially proof of concept is a really good one. because most of ICOs that we are seeing right now are based on ethereum network...
Thus majority of ICOs won't be able to deliver results as they are depending upon Ether Network and it's not yet have the respective features that most ICOs are claiming to provide...
So Beware Friends
Nice Job mate, Upvoted and Following you...
Thank you very much for your comment! It is an important point, what you explain. I am following you already too! Cheers!
great articles..
Thank you very much for your comment! I am following you already.
soo. like EOS?
Great article, couldnt agree more.
As we come by more accountability the market will self regulate increasing the power of the decentralized hipotesis that makes the blockchain so powerfull
Following the decision of this summer, according to which the project "TheDAO" of the Etherium was in fact subject to SEC control, it is not surprising that this service carries out a rather active approach with regard to ICO monitoring.
The boom of the ICO was unprecedented, in 2017 the total investment was more than $ 1.5 billion. Many of these ICOs were fraudulent, or the result of some vague ideas in the heads of several potential entrepreneurs.
Since, many ICO offer "tokens" are similar to "shares", it becomes clear why the SEC is interested in regulating this area.
Yeah, there's a lot of fake coins out there who just want to do a quick grab of money form people.
With the crypto craze accelerating since the start of this year every man and his dog are trying to get on the horse.
But there are also many exciting new (and old) coins out there for example Ripple, Neo, Bitshares, and also check out Power Ledger from Australia.
Thank you very much for your comment! It is true. And we should demand to see these characteristics in future ICOs. In the long term it is better for the companies as well, since the global challenges are every man's challenges, even when he does not see them. I am following you already! Cheers!
"3.- Proof of concept. We (the community) need to see that the people launching an ICO have invested themselves enough effort and resources as to have already some value backing their project."
This is, for me, the most important thing to consider.
Any person/people wanting to launch something new can show "A higher (much higher) degree of transparency and accountability" and "A more ambitious approach towards global challenges" for a certain period of time.
But having the perseverance to continue on, to believe on something they've created, having the commitment to their project is the biggest, at least for me, factor to consider before investing to these ICOs.
If we can see that they are really value their project, we already have the assurance that this ICO is worth it.
Thank you very much for your comment! I agree with you. We do need to see that. That factor alone can tell us most of the story.
I am following you already. Cheers!
nice post by you, please keep it up in future and suggest the upcoming promising ICO
I will do my best to suggest what I see as good ICOs coming up in the future, thank you for the recommendation! I am following your account already. Cheers!
I just wrote this an hour ago about that same topic. I have a more aggressive approach I guess. You are right but it's very utopist. Give me your opinion on mine : CLICK HERE : ICO RACE NEEDS TO STOP

Thank you for sharing it! I already read your article!! Cheers!
So true! thanks for the information
Thank you for your comment! I am following you already, cheers!
This is very interesting and educative article, thanks for the good job.
Thank you for your comment!! Cheers! =)
Definitely agree in the need for transparency. If we don't see reasonable regulatory frameworks in place anytime soon, I think we're going to have to build and promote a voluntary charter - and create a movement where ICOs are simply shunned if they don't sign up to certain practices - such as incorporating self-imposed smart contracts that either time-lock funds and/or release funds based on achieved objectives / milestones. The idea that people are becoming overnight millionaires for doing nothing other than airing a concept - that does nobody any favours in the long run, and ICOs will run into the ground.
That is interesting! Thank you for commenting! Self-imposed smart contracts could be a good tool indeed. What other transparency measures do you have in mind? I would certainly love to follow up this conversation.
I know that there are groups out there that are now seeking to set up professional ICO vetting services - Astronaut, for example, are proposing an index-type fund whose constituents are composed of investment-grade ICOs.
If these vetting services can gain momentum and impose their own conditions on ICOs who want to be platformed on their funds, then things like time-release smart-contract funding could then be promoted as good practice etc. This is all in its infancy - the risk is that we get 6 figure/7 figure ICO failures/scams making all the headlines and generally killing legitimate ICO models.
Hello, @icoexaminer !! As I wrote this morning the new post I published I was thinking of what you wrote here. Actually I wanted to make a special mention of your comments, but I was not sure if you would have liked to be tagged or not. As I had no time to consult you on this, I opted for not tagging you, but I did mention that this new post comes after reading and being inspired by a series of comments in my previous post by several fellow steemians. I would like to share with you the new post. Maybe we can continue our conversation there. I appreciate very much your inputs, and next time I will try to consult you beforehand if you want to be quoted in one of my posts. After all this is all about building community and fostering fruitful, possitive conversation to reach agreements and improvements. Cheers! Here today's post:
Indeed, the failing ones get the headlines. Those vetting services would be a tremendous advance in the transparency agenda. Thank you so much for your comment! I will follow your account closely. I am glad to find like-minded steemians around!
nice post on ICO's.
Thank you for your comment! Cheers!
good rank this post keep going bro.. we need to upvote our comment regularly if we are develop our reputation so don't waste your time upvote my comment your reputation automatic update I also upvote you and follow regular continue work together we make our dream with happy www.steemit.com/ @sherin
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Certainly, these things will eventually come as the ICO market matures. Which of the upcoming ICOs in your view are the most promising when it comes to these things?
Hello! Thank you for commentng! I am constantly having an eye on EOS since it could allow smart contracts to happen at a larger scale, and there are many opportunities on that field. But to be honest so far I have not seen all three characteristics I list in a single ICO. This is why I am trying to make the point that we truly need them, three of them, to be present. I am following you already! Cheers!
Perhaps Everex fits the bill? I'm sure it scores high at your first two points, and believe it does on the third as well.
EVX was the first and, thus far, only coin I found which totally agreed with my best self.
Thank you for your comment!! I will check Everex right away! Cheers!
As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!
Think Transparency Is The Most Important Part :)
Yes! I agree with you. And, thank you for commenting! Actually, after reading the comments in this post I decided to publish a new post with a follow up of the conversation. Maybe you will find it interesting. Here is the link in case you want to take a look. I am following your account already. Cheers!! =)
Interesting piece you have formed here.
I got to thinking quite a bit with your points in Part 2.
Thank You All for the Impressions!
New to steemit,
Thank you very much for your comment! I am following you already!
nice post guys,.,.,. :)
#dont fotget to upvote and follow back,.,. lol
Thank you! Following you already!
Good article, Thanks for the insight.
Thanks so much for your comment! I am following you already. Cheers!
Hope to see more of your write up soonNice write up here @cryptotequila ...
Thank you very much! I am preparing my next post. I am so happy to be in this community where so many people inspire you to learn more about this exciting world of the cryptos and blockchain. Cheers!
New to bitcoin was hopefully gunna invest but little nervous why doing my research thanks for the post much help!
Thank you for commenting! Think of your crypto investments as a long-term investment. You won't be earning much if you buy and sell very fast, unless you spend a lot of time researching market trends. I am following you already! Cheers!
I really appreciate where you're going with this thought process. I also believe the simple investment into the crypto-world is going to produce much more than we could expect! It is the potential future of sustainable economies.
Thank you so much for commenting! I agree with you! I am following now. Cheers!
NyC artical , thnX for infO 💯
Thank you very much for reading it! =)
fun to have an extra ICO I have, thanks for the post ..
Thank you for your comment! Today I posted a continuation of this article. Maybe you will find it interesting! Cheers! =)
amazing posts
Thank you very much for your comment! I am following you already! Cheers!
Whats really needed is an ICO idea of reviewing of ICO's . for a cryto currency to be understood by everyone we have a long ways to go yet.
wow grate post ....i like this..
i have some post .....you can check
here @mrs.roy
Thank you very much for your comment and your recommendation! Cheers!
I agree great move steemit is growing pretty fast. 😀 😃 😄 😁 Have a wonderful day!
Thank you very much!
Great work with great post ....Nice one
Thanks!!! Cheers!! =)
This is very educative article .Thank you very much.
Thank you @sabbirr !! I am following you already!
You are most welcome.i am also following you.
I am just curious about Electroneum. I purchased just 5000 tokens. Can anybody predict where would i stand after 1 years with 5000 ETNs ?
How much were they when you purchased them?
Great article , thanks for sharing
Great information but all schemes are ponsi scheme like this. More information about the Cryptocurrencies are at @gmirfani
Great post. Thanks! :)
Thank you @swapynetwork !!
Super app...! Looking at the past track record it's hard to argue with the results. I'm impressed, keep up the good work donation coming your way if this keeps up
very nice
upvote and commentmy link is http://steemit.com/@rkanwal
Nice post @cryptotequila. Best of luck for your project
Thank you very much, @munawar1235 !! This community is very inspiring. I am eager to kee earning about all these wonderful opportunities. I am following your account already! Cheers!
You have an awesome work done
check my new post
Let's make serious money together!
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Great articles
What a decent post. Too bad the payount isnt as great! Heart breaking it must be to put in and lose so much
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Hi cryptotequila - You write a good post that provokes thought. I've looked at two ICO's today - one that I think addresses some of the issues in your presentation - biocoin. The other is POW lite - which is totally offbase. BIOCOIN - Russian based - catering to matching farmers ORGANIC seasonal products with consumers - have been operating as LavkaLavka. Their fb page shows that they have problems getting the product to the end user, but their response time is excellent and they have a refund policy. I like this ICO, because 1) their philosophy is to help the small farmer, not corporations. 2) Russia was one of the countries that refused to have Monsanto seeds. 3) They have a lot of support in IT, as well as logistics and accounting. 4) They want to go global. 5) Based on peercoins proof of stake system - Launched ICO - 9 Oct 2017 - USD$15 million. At the end of 2017 biocoin will enter exchanges which includes Japan, USA, Italy and Germany Market cap - $1billion - they intend going global 2018. POW lite - Mass market adoption via fb apps - Market cap - 2 billion - In exchange for free tokens, they have a ready made data base and its CENTRALISED. Their promo is slick - 'get in quick, before you miss out' - Only 1 person of 5 has been named as head of this projectl A bit short on transparency. Big on hype, short on details. Tell me what you think....Sorry, forgot to tell you no wallet on offer, no private keys and no 2 step authentication. POW lite will be the middlemen - so there is no privacy as they will have details of transactions for both buyer and seller.
Thank you so much for your analysis on these two ICOs. I will check them now that you mentioned them. I am folloing you already to keep track of your posts. Thank you again! Cheers!