Looking at the design of the game theory which I still do not fully understand, it looks like Hex is designed to replace the Bitcoin whales. Meaning the big wallets which don't claim their Hex, this Hex is redistributed to the Hex stakers. The longer stakers seem to get the most. The bigger stakers seem to get the most. So people discouraging people away from Hex could also make it so the Bitcoin big wallets also stay away from Hex which in the game theory seems like it benefits the ETH lobby entrants in Hex who stake. Hex seems to make the stakers kings of the economy.
This is actually innovative in terms of game theory. I just think that Hex, what exactly can they extend it to evolve into over time? Is it the beginning of something bigger like a sort of banking system with more services or is it just ever going to be what it is now? I cannot predict the future.
Bitconnect shut down because it was centralized. Hex is decentralized, and it doesn't look like it's so easy to shut down if it's even possible.