We are pleased to announce that DEEX has become a partner of the educational Easybizzi portal (https://easy-bizzi.com). The community of experts of this popular project counts several dozen professionals in various fields in many countries. Finance, Economics, Medicine... It's no secret that for successful development it is necessary to be constantly stay in touch with the latest trends and receive knowledge in time.
An expert in the field of blockchain on the Easybizzi site became DEEX’ CBDO – Fedor Loginov (https://easy-bizzi.com/ru/project?id=10). Together with the portal’s co-hosts he will hold regular webinars to acquaint users with the project of the main decentralized DEEX ecosystem and to tell about trading on cryptocurrency exchanges.
The first webinar was held yesterday, you can see the recording of this broadcast via this link -
In the near future it is planned to hold several more presentations with the possibility of live communication. Come in, see, increase your level of knowledge and stay in touch!
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