Dipping! Why its best not to get too worked up about the market+ what ive been up to

in #blockchain7 years ago


Greetings all, its been a while i last posted, 4 days ago, and before that, even longer.

Screenshot_20180613-122351.pngIve been quite busy with a lot of works, especially since my brother , @steve1122 came around the house.

If some of yall can recall, i made a post about releasing an EP or album in August of this year.

Ive still not decided which, I could go with a 6 track album, or a 3 track EP.

It totally depends on how much time im able to dedicate to the project.

The EP/album is definitely going to be a collaboration effort between me and steemians who are willing to jump in.

That is still tied in to the record label im working on.

State of the market


One of the primary reasons im dedicating more time to music now is the current state of the market.

The crypto market I mean. As many of y'all know by now, the market had been dipping hard, bitcoin in particular has lost over $1500 of its price.

Its all looking gloomy right now, but thats because many of us arent looking at it from the right perspective.

Bitcoin and cryptos in general has existed for 9 years now.

Starting out as cents, it has quickly grown to thousands , creating a market that has spun new businesses worldwide.

Heck, im a blockchain music producer, utilizing services such as steem and muse for my works.

I know of a group called cryptotvplus, a startup TV and news station dedicated to all things crypto .

There is cryptohub, a center dedicated to teaching the intricacies of crypto in nigeria.

Heck we have developers that are being paid hundreds of thousands to bring about blockchain solutions , termed blockchain developers .

Whats all this talk about ?

Stop whining that the market is down, its doomed.
We as humans are quicl to fear, and the fud comes from those just getting into crypto.

I was just like this, fearful , i remember telling @ehiboss that crypto would be dead by june, of cause i was using TA to predict that the market would go down , but after much research , I now believe that crypto cant just go away.

Its too Integrated with the world right now. A downfall of crypto will create worldwide ripple effects that would lead us in to another world economic crisis.

With institutions adopting blockchain tech, I feel crypto, and BTC in particular would become a solid store of value , like gold.

Heck, why do people believe in gold? BecUse it shines? Because its durable ?

We give value to whatever we deem valuable, like the people of the past did to gold, so will our new tech savvy generation do to bitcoin , thats what i believe .

And should it not go that way, well then, the tech will spun a successor that will do that Job.

The fear comes from constantly watching the market.

I always tell people that say steemit or crypto is their last hope

"weren't you alive and surviving before you came into cryptocurrency?"

Once you see that your life existed before crypto, and that its just a plus, you will become more relaxed.

So rather than fear, learn how to use stop-loss, limits, learn to use the crypto tools ro your advantage .

Learn what a stablecoin is, learn to use USDT and TUSD.

Once youre all set, go play a game, go read a book, go and do that thing which you've veen procrastinating .

Trust me, you might not know, but crypto can cause high blood pressure , depression , stress related sickness , cause its not for the faint hearted.

Remember the golden rule of life, never put all your eggs into one basket , even crypto.

Be smart, never follow the voice of those ignorant shillers, they go like:

hydro to the moon!! dash to $7000!! buy! buy!! buy!!! Eos is going to $10000

When you see the above, without any technical explanation , run, do research , before you buy.

All in all, lets be smart in this industry and know why we are here, to see the world change.


Massive advice from the from the naija blockchain sage.

Sage ko, prophetess ni🤣 thanks for the compliment .

Thank you for this heads up, D.
I got trapped in this bear run, i forgot to set stop-loss to two of my flips and before i could say jackpot they are already down by 70%. I'm now bagholding. 😢

off to my logo design gig

Ewo, it happened to me too, i store quite a lote of steem, forgot to convert them to btc then usdt on binance , just crying right now😢

very well said....
This dip in price has given a lot of people headache but I am just unperturbed about it.
There was life before Steemit and there'll still be life afterwards.

Yeah, but there is no after....steemit will continue to evolve , it might not be what it is now, but it will evolve, as long as you have a stake here, youre gold.

Mehn..is not easy...
The market is becoming fearful day by day...
Thanks for the post

Dont fear!!! The market is going through tough times, like all assets should.

Thos is the time to accumulate and create good positions.

Very well said bro

hydro to the moon!! dash to $7000!! buy! buy!! buy!!

That part got me laughing real hard....
Baba, you made a Lotta sense with this post.
By the way, why do we have a Lotta fine Boiz in the Music Industry??

Yeah, fine boys are plenty o, I hope to meet some soon sha🐈

Glad i got a laugh outta someone :D

Well said @destinysaid :)

Indeed crytocurrency is not for the faint hearted and can cause high blood pressure. Like you said, it wise not to put all our eggs in one basket and before we got here, we have been existing and surviving. Thanks for this great advice, however I still believe in the future of the steem blockchain. Things will get better.

No problem kween, hope your journey on steemit is going well, it can be tough , especially at these trying crypto times

Yes. It is. #Bigwaves has been making it better lately!😁😁

hello @destinysaid what a great post i must say,i took out my time to go through your blog ,thanks for the reminder (don't put all your eggs in one basket) your the first person that's getting my comment THUMBS UP.

Wow, thats nice, good going, hope what youre doing on steemit goes well too

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment