Guns on the Blockchain? #ShotsFired

in #blockchain6 years ago

On my way home i was thinking about Blockchain and what i'd create on it..... if i had the resources =_=

I thought about police planting evidence, etc... which i'm sure only happens in movies. Or maybe in a shootout.

Imagine every bullet ever manufactured, registered on the blockchain??

Pretty stupid idea!

But what if you had the magazine of every gun, with some sort of device that registers when shots are fired. (timestamped, etc on the blockchain).

Ultimately i think Guns will be connected to the web, like any other ioT (internet of things) device. Together with Self Sovereign Identity, we may be able to make guns safe(r). NRA and some gun manufacturers should look into it i think.

SMART GUNS powered by Blockchain #huge



Not a bad idea, I can see where it came from (we're Jamaican). Follow back and visit the first Jamaican $btc forum and faucet at