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RE: The History of Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPOS)

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)

Going low? will go just a bit low.

You replied to someone by making vague accusations that they are keeping people in the dark and implying that they have a responsibility to educate others

Nice, the earth also not falt, what's the point from describing what I already said?

and then you tried to claim that the concept of transaction refusal has never been discussed before

I don't see where I claimed that transaction refusal wasn't discussed before. I tied it to the witness above.

when someone referred quite correctly to transaction refusal as consensus mechanism(s) you lost your shit, accusing them of not being precise.

Do you think the COVID-19 is as dangerous to people who are 30 and people who are 90? You know the answer. But it's the same virus ... yeah, you got the idea. Read some scientific paper, maybe you will learn how unbiased facts should be presented.

He never said that the presence of resources somewhere makes one an expert in that field, instantly, or otherwise. He contended you ridiculous idiotic nonsense that people are kept in the dark regarding how the blockchain functions.

Why so hurt, facts don't care about your emotions. Get over it. He implied that people should do the digging to understand complex terminology since information is there, I am saying that people who are voted should do this job and serve the intel on a FUCKIN GOLDEN plate to the community with a huge SMILE. But yea, you live in the world of subjectivity, where everything is elastic.

explain exactly how are people kept in the dark if the information is freely accessible to anyone? O yeah. You didn't "discuss" such a point. Dumbfuck

Why the fuck should I waste my time anymore on a whiny overly emotional ass-kisser? The respect, you earn it, same as my time retard. Never saw someone defending a witness so much jeeeez, no wonder why this place is like a dumpster full of whiny people.

You are having a menstrual crisis I think, calm down, drink water, avoid soy milk, and move on.

Next time you want to speak with me again Dumbfuck², do it with respect.
