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RE: BLOCKCHAIN: In the future History may stop being written/edited by the victor...

in #blockchain7 years ago

The internet is also losing history as servers go off line. There are many web pages and creations that are forever lost, as the machines they were stored on no longer exist in some cases. So while it is increasing information exponentially it is also potentially losing information exponentially. I do believe the exponential gain of information is way faster than the loss though.

Yet still it leaves me wondering what we have already lost to never be seen again? You are correct the blockchain could secure this.


and we have the internet archive too

Isn't that centralized?

it is, but at least there is some history being stored.

the 'internet archive on a blockchain' would be great, but decentralizing 50PB of data or more would be a challenge to decentralize. Who has that kind of storage laying around? In BTC we're having quite a debate over 200GB

Who has that kind of storage laying around?

I've stopped really considering storage limitations so much these days. I've constantly been surprised by how storage has increased over the decades I've been using computers. :) If we tried to do it today... sure its and issue, but if things keep progressing it might not be.