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RE: BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY: "Is Blockchain Technology about to unlock the secrets of the events of 9/11?"

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

man.. So many non-engineers who are like WE DON'T KNOW HOW IT CAME DOWN! No shit, you don't know anything about fire structural engineering. I am a Fire Protection Engineer. At the University of Maryland, we had a class where we re-did the calculations, spent the whole semester. There isn't anything fishy about how the towers fell structurally. I have access to stuff you guys have never seen because my professors were the ones who did the math. But you don't need that stuff to evaluate that there their collapse was plausible. For this to be a hoax, the amount of people you would have to have onboard with the biggest secret of all time is crazy. 1000s of people, 100s of scientists and engineers that studied the wreckage. There is a reason why you will probably only find 1 or 2 crackpots, if that, who were actually there in the months following working on the reports. The government was a completely open book at the site in the months following. I am a skeptical guy, but you guys are barking up the wrong tree. Did Bush make a mistake and not pay attention to his security briefings, yup, could some people in the saudi government have something to do with it? Yes. But no one blew up the towers.

I sold all my steem when I saw that poll that 95% of people here think 9/11 is a conspiracy. That is a dramatic amount of conspiracy minded people and doesn't bode well for the userbase of this site.

Here is why you all believe its a hoax or something: subconsciously, you are terrified that 13 guys with box cutters could do shit like that, and it is more comforting, ironically, to believe that there was some giant government conspiracy.

This stuff frustrates me so much. I should just ignore it, but yeah, disappointed in this site. Great idea, but when the community you attract off the bat is a bunch of dummies, it doesn't bode well.


It's interesting to see I was the first person you followed.

Can you provide us with all those calculation?

The "debunked" NIST report has all of the calculations in NCSTAR 1-2 & 1-3. Learn structural engineering and statics of steel under heat and then read 1-6.
And yeah, I thought you were actually a part of the steem team, you are pretty prolific. But none of you would have any idea what you are looking at even if i did bring some different proof. And you would just disagree with the assumptions that were made, that actually the steel came from some other place and its poisson's ratio is actually more like .24 etc. There is no winning here, I shouldn't have gotten involved.

The best proof I can give is that over a 100 normal people with families, maybe some even lost family members in the attacks, worked on those reports and the people at he forefront of the industry were called on to find out what happened. If you think that all of these people are in on it, then I pity you. So many people have spent "hundreds of hours" researching this stuff but it takes so much more than hundreds of hours to understand all of these concepts and then to study all of the evidence. I spent 4 years learning it and I have already forgotten 50% of it. People can do it, and I can lend you the textbooks if you are in the DC area heh, but the way people think about this conspiracy especially, frustrates me. Research /= watching videos made by other people who don't know anything analyzing fall speed. Or analyzing the fact that it fell "straight down" like a "controlled demolition". How else would it fall!?There aren't any forces pushing it in any direction, so when the structural members at the center are severely compromised around the impact floors where the damage spanned 6-10 floors and floors begin to collapse, they picked up speed and weight as they went and the whole building fell down.

The other thing about the WTC is that it was very poorly designed. If a skyscraper with its design was submitted today it would be laughed at. It was built in such a way that the exterior walls were loadbearing. It would not stand free with just the internal structural members. Some sort of fishy shit happened when the building was approved in the 50s and 60s, probably involving the mob. When they were built, they would build the central part of the building for a floor, and then build the walls for that floor, then move up to the next floor.


This is not standard practice for skyscrapers, even then, and when 10 floors were CRUSHED by Boeing 767s, and then jet fuel poored down the internal shafts and started fires throughout the center of the building, yeah you bet it fell down. Another factor is that people say there was protection on the structural members! Yes this is true, they had very similar spray-applied insulation that we use today, but because that spray application happens early in a building's construction, every discipline that goes in there that follows needs to attach hangers to beams or drill through them, and they knock alot of that insulation off which compromises them to heat degradation. Also, the strength of the impact, a BOEING 767 200 TONS GOING AT 600 MPH, had the strength to knock off a good amount more of that insulation. Steel will lose half of its structural integrity around 550-600 degrees (and I am being generous). It doesn't have to melt to fail.

Alright.. what else, what things do you think are unexplainable? I will try to explain them

Also, even if you think I am a sheep, I did put some time into this response and it has some good stuff here so toss your man some steem ;)

Seriously then what is the temp of burning jet fuel?

The flash point of kerosene is between 37 and 65 °C (100 and 150 °F), and its autoignition temperature is 220 °C (428 °F). The pour point of kerosene depends on grade, with commercial aviation fuel standardized at −47 °C (−53 °F).
Kerosene - Wikipedia

Not even close to your graph of where the structural steel would begin to weaken. Your argument makes no sense for otherwise we would see melted exhaust manifolds laying in the streets. No planes hit the towers! And a poor example actually of video layering/cropping. Building 7! Right built by the mob!

I have explain them in my post that is not trending at the very top of steem. If you want to you can refute some of the peer-reviewed paper that I've listed in that post and publish your refutation in peer-reviewed journal feel free to do so.

I listed the NIST paper, that was fairly peer reviewed being the official independent study of the disaster. And then I listed a number of simple reasons, simple metallurgy, simple history about the building's construction and simple psychology explaining why I think its bullshit. You didn't respond to any of that and just talked about some popular post you have with some link to a peer reviewed article like that means that Bush bombed the towers. I have insight into this whole event that not many other people do, but its just like you guys to completely ignore all that. I have an understanding of this event down tothe minutes that noone on youtube has and I am willing to answer questions. This place fucking sucks if you are the most popular member here. Read my shit, listen to it, look at the report. I guarantee you haven't cracked open any of the actual reports or attempted to learn any of the math.

Your shit is half admirable, that you are able to sit and churn out the bullshit you do, I mean, you are seriously making a living writing paragraphs in 24 pt font about love and the "mysteries of life" with stock photos while I work 11 hours a day being a fire protection engineer to make half that. You know your audience, either you are very smart, know your audience is dumb and will respond to 9/11 conspiracies and esoteric lowest common denominator short essays, or you are a dummy, either way, kudos.

Can you actually show some of the calculations or at least hash out your defense more? Name calling, generalizing, and insulting the user base of a site does nothing but hurt your argument.

The "debunked" NIST report has all of the calculations in NCSTAR 1-2 & 1-3. Learn structural engineering and statics of steel under heat and then read 1-6.
But none of you would have any idea what you are looking at even if i did bring some different proof. And you would just disagree with the assumptions that were made, that actually the steel came from some other place and its poisson's ratio is actually more like .24 etc. There is no winning here, I shouldn't have gotten involved.

The best proof I can give is that over a 100 normal people with families, maybe some even lost family members in the attacks, worked on those reports and the people at he forefront of the industry were called on to find out what happened. If you think that all of these people are in on it, then I pity you. So many people have spent "hundreds of hours" researching this stuff but it takes so much more than hundreds of hours to understand all of these concepts and then to study all of the evidence. I spent 4 years learning it and I have already forgotten 50% of it. People can do it, and I can lend you the textbooks if you are in the DC area heh, but the way people think about this conspiracy especially, frustrates me. Research /= watching videos made by other people who don't know anything analyzing fall speed. Or analyzing the fact that it fell "straight down" like a "controlled demolition". How else would it fall!? There aren't any forces pushing it in any direction, so when the structural members at the center are severely compromised around the impact floors where the damage spanned 6-10 floors and floors begin to collapse, they picked up speed and weight as they went and the whole building fell down.

The other thing about the WTC is that it was very poorly designed. If a skyscraper with its design was submitted today it would be laughed at. It was built in such a way that the exterior walls were loadbearing. It would not stand free with just the internal structural members. Some sort of fishy shit happened when the building was approved in the 50s and 60s. When they were built, they would build the central part of the building for a floor, and then build the walls for that floor, then move up to the next floor.


This is not standard practice for skyscrapers, even then, and when 10 floors were CRUSHED by Boeing 767s, and then jet fuel poored down the internal shafts and started fires throughout the center of the building, yeah you bet it fell down. Another factor is that people say there was protection on the structural members! Yes this is true, they had very similar spray-applied insulation that we use today, but because that spray application happens early in a building's construction, every discipline that goes in there that follows needs to attach hangers to beams or drill through them, and they knock alot of that insulation off which compromises them to heat degradation. Also, the strength of the impact, a BOEING 767 200 TONS GOING AT 600 MPH, had the strength to knock off a good amount more of that insulation. Steel will lose half of its structural integrity around 550-600 degrees (and I am being generous). It doesn't have to melt to fail.

Alright.. what else, what things do you think are unexplainable? I will try to explain them

Also, even if you think I am a sheep, I did put some time into this response and it has some good stuff here so toss your man some steem ;)

Are you threatening me!? My bungole will not wait!