What friends I bring you very interesting news....
Initiatives of participatory democracy, transport and home automation resort to the chain of blocks known as cryptocurrencies.
Blockchain is at a time when it appears to be the technology of the 21st century. Some have already decided to compare it with the impact the Internet has had. In case someone still does not know the block chain, it is a decentralized data structure that requires validation by its users to modify or validate it. His arrival in our lives came from cryptocurrencies, but the uses grow and grow. Given this evolution, Tecnalia has joined the wave and has turned its center in Bilbao into an experimentation laboratory with pioneering blockchain in Europe.
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One of the great advantages of the chain of blocks is that the intermediaries disappear - Bitcoin represents the typical example as it is not subject to any rule of a central bank. This facilitates innovation and finding a totally disruptive solution. Aware of this scenario, Óscar Lage, head of blockchain at Tecnalia, did not hesitate to put infrastructures, both physical and logistical, at the service of those who would demand this technology. The first to be interested came from the industry, but actors from participatory or transport democracies have already knocked at its door. "By having the investment done, which is quite substantial, and possessing the knowledge, for us it is easier to help. The cut of the projects that we finally accept is based on the utility and the future that they may have ", he assures.