Work Completed
- Merged EOSIO v2.0.1 to EOSC, test block synchronization.
- Researched EOSC/ node log and state operation&maintenance plan based on ELK.
- transplanted eosio-java support library to test android environment adaptation.
- Started the development of EVM runtime simulator project based on EOSIO contract environment and planned the project.
- EVM simulator built a project framework and implemented ETH address support. It introduced Keccak-256 Hash algorithm to implement the basic Account-related tables and actions.
Plan for Next Week
- Test EOSC v2.0.1. Update some online nodes to v2.0.1 to test the block producing and stability.
- Improve EOSC/ node log and state operation&maintenance plan.
- Test android environment adaptation of java support library, improve development document.
- Merge EOSC/ js support library with the latest update, improve development document.
- EVM simulator implements the preliminary version of create action, withdraw action, and raw action.
- EVM simulator implements genesis action to declare constants such as ChainID.
- Introduce RLP parsing algorithm implementation in the contract environment to parse ETH transaction.
Community News
- The Secretariat of EOSC mainnet is planning a new BP meeting to change the term of the Secretariat.
- EOSC development team will participate in EOSIO Smart Contracts Challenge to jointly improve EOS ecology.
- Eosgod node announced its resignation from the BP list and appealed to voters to transfer votes to other nodes.