Please, No Binary thinking - by Gabriela Chang, EthicHub`s PR and Partners Node

in #blockchain6 years ago


In these intense days living on the go, between pitching EthicHub at dozens of meet-ups and attending many crypto events, there is little space left for new ideas to settle down. But waiting lounges at Chinese airports provide the necessary disconnection from emails and pending online tasks, and usually only allow access to WeChat or LinkedIn ;) I appreciate these brief pauses from our frenzy activity, because I'm pretty good at turning necessity into virtue.

StartUps require full-life commitment (full-time is often not enough), so when I'm not purposely working on something and my thoughts wander, they tend to go of course to related ideas. Months ago during a MeetUp in Seoul about prejudices, EthicHub was introduced as an example of how we need to get rid of them in order to open up to new concepts, like ours. Most people have prejudices and believe helping is only about altruism and most societies tend to think and judge in terms of "Black and White". But let me be clear, helping and investing are not binary: there are many more options than just donating or exploiting. The scope of mutual benefit is wide and is deeply rooted in the common good as guideline for real progress.

Think of borders and what are they for: mainly to keep poor people away while pretending it to be for-your-own-security (my adopted country gives residency to anyone able to buy a 500K euros property and I know this is quite common in similar countries). Regulations based on the common good boosted depressed economies after huge disasters (as World Wide Wars) because regulators experienced in their own flesh becoming the vulnerable ones together with their families. But after these long lasting years of relative peace in the ruling countries, the common good is not anymore standard but the exception: That's why 1% of the population now owns 50% of the wealth.

Community based economics instead of capital based ones is not about Robin Hood taking from the rich to give it to the poor: It is about creating value through real peer-to-peer interactions; It's also about connecting different economic and geographical regions to benefit both sides. And finally, it's about perceiving the world as one common space, where opportunities should be available to everyone, so nobody needs to risk their life to become a second class citizens in non-welcoming countries.

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