Eventum Alpha: The Complete Guide!

in #blockchain7 years ago

Eventum is a platform for decentralized real-world data feeds and Alpha is the first public demo of that protocol. Alpha version uses fully functioning validation mechanism, basic version of blockchain core layer functionalities (without staking and dispute options) and it is connected to a demo web app where anyone can try it out.

You can test Eventum alpha in a series of live events that will be available from February 9th to March 15th. You’ll be able to experience the Eventum protocol, the off-chain decentralized layer and the blockchain trust system, all working together to bring any data you can imagine into a decentralized API.

Eventum Alpha is at the moment deployed on Ropsten Test Network, NOT on the Main Ethereum Network. This enables us to thoroughly test the technology and measure everything before we go live, so your “real” accounts and its ethers on main Ethereum network are ALWAYS SAFE!

Why do it?

    1. First and foremost, to get a glimpse of what Eventum protocol is capable of. To see how easy it is to report the data and earn money while somebody else gets real-time data feed. To see how decentralized layer of validation nodes form consensus and how blockchain acts as a trust system.

    2. Every participant will receive rewards for testing the system. 7,000,000 EVT and 40 ETH tokens will be distributed among the participants according to this reward structure. The faster you provide the answer that majority gave, more reward you will receive.

    3. And finally, to prove that you support the development of Eventum. In return, we will reserve a spot for you in the upcoming token sale.

    How to sign up and join the event?

    You need to join the event at least 30min before the start!

      1. Install Metamask extension for Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, open Metamask and create a new account.

    Select a strong password and save seed keywords somewhere safe

      2. In Metamask, click on the upper left corner to change to Ropsten Test Network (Eventum Alpha is deployed on Ropsten testnet so if you are not connected to it, you will not be able to participate in events).

    Change to Ropsten Test Network

      3. In order to join the events (and later claim rewards), you will need to pay a small amount of gas (mining fee in Ethereum network). In order to do so, you need some test ether in your wallet, so click BUY in your Metamask wallet, then ROPSTEN TEST FAUCET (a new page will open), and finally click on the green button saying request 1 ether from faucet. Wait a minute or so and check your Metamask account balance — you should have 1 ether inside (it can take up to 10 min if the network is slow).

    If this faucet didn’t work you can get test ether here https://faucet.bitfwd.xyz/ or herehttp://faucet.ropsten.be:3001/

      Wallet address field is correctly pre-filled with your Metamask account and click Save changes. 4. Go to https://alpha.eventum.network/, sign up, wait for the confirmation email and Log in. Then click Settings, check that

      5. Go back to the main page of Eventum Alpha, select an event and click Join. Metamask plugin will pop-up, enter 100,000 for Gas Limit and 100 for Gas Price, then click SUBMIT to confirm joining that event. This action will call a function in this event’s smart contract which will add you as a participant to that event.

    Make sure you are on Ropsten Test Network, you have the same account selected in Metamask plugin as you have it in Eventum Alpha settings and that you set 100,000 for gas limit and 100 for gas price (for faster transaction time). Joining the event can take from few seconds to few minutes, depending on how fast your transaction will be mined on Ethereum network.

    Click SUBMIT and wait for the transaction to be mined

    How to participate and provide the data?

    If you provide the same data as the majority will (you form a consensus with them), you will get a part of the reward fund. The faster you provide the data, bigger the reward!

      1. Carefully note the date and time of the event start and be back at the right time! If the event does not have a fixed start, then report the data when you see it live (e.g. football match, weather change, …).
      2. Go to the event and provide the data (e.g. answer the question, recognise objects on image, report required live data, …) by selecting the right values and clicking on Vote.

    Click SUBMIT and wait for the transaction to be mined

      3. Wait for others to finish voting and when the consensus (or maximum time) is reached, you will see the outcome of the event. If you were in the consensus, you will get the reward (size of which depends on how fast you were). To read more about what is going on behind the scenes, and how Eventum protocol achieves the consensus in a trustful way, read the whitepaper
      4. If you were part of the consensus and you helped to provide the data to developer, you can now click Claim reward. Click SUBMIT on the Metamask popup and you will soon receive reward in a form of test ethers to your Metamask wallet.
      5. Open a beer 🍺 and don’t forget to invite friends to our next event ;)

    We will distribute the same amount of ether that you just received on Ropsten test network, to the wallet you have registered in Eventum, on “real” main Ethereum network after the token sale. Reward in EVT tokens will also be distributed after the token sale at approximately the same time.

    Things to remember

    • Eventum Alpha is at the moment deployed on Ropsten test network, NOT on the main Ethereum network, this means your “real” accounts and its ethers are ALWAYS SAFE, even in a case something goes wrong.
    • You need to be on Ropsten test network with the same account selected in Metamask that you registered in Eventum Alpha settings.
    • You NEED to register at least 30 min before the event starts, otherwise, you will not be accepted to the system (take into account that Ethereum network can be slow, so join at least few minutes before the deadline).
    • Ethers you receive are not “real” ethers and you can not send them to exchanges or trade them for other tokens/coins. BUT, you will receive the same amount of real ether on main Ethereum network after the token sale (together with the EVT tokens).
    • You will only get the reward if you are part of the consensus (i.e. you provided the same data as the majority of voters) and the size of the reward depends on how fast you reported the data.
    • Transactions can take a long time if the Ethereum network is busy, so clicks on SUBMIT in Metamask extension after joining the event or claiming the reward can take up to few minutes.

    Any questions, suggestions or beer invites: [email protected]


Hello guys.Rawgs now currently running it's bounty program.it actually pays users to play games(as tokens of course).the best thing is that ,you can also sync in your past data.
They are currently running a bounty campaign.they have doubled all the rewards.(the tokens you earn will grow at least 2-3x)
Its also referred to as the IMDb of games(and so much more).
Check it out.you won't be disappointed.
Bounty thread

See you on the other side.lets RAWG!!
Details https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3333252.0

~Available option to participate ~

✯ 50 Players one → allocation 1M tokens (Minimum of around 70$ every week)✯

✯ Opinion Leaders ✯

✯ Blogging Campaign → $90 each approved blog, article or news✯

✯ Video Review & Video Blogging → $90 per each high quality video✯

✯ Twitter Campaign → $0.3 - $1.50 per a quoted retweet✯

✯ Facebook Campaign → $0.3 - $1.50 per shares✯

✯ Signature Campaign → $3-$48 per week✯

✯✯ SPECIAL Refferral PROGRAM - Double your REWARDS✯✯