The Blockchain should I say is one of the greatest inventions of the last decade. It improves on so many things that the Traditional financial system failed on. This has garnered so much interest from both individuals and Institutions. This led to the exponential growth of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.
With this interested, stemmed the need for the use of Cryptocurrency in the real world. This led the Bixtrim team to seek solutions that are unique in that it hasn't been seen before. The Features are revolutionary as it is useful.
Crypto Pawn Shop.
This is the first time I'm hearing anything like this in the Blockchain system. A bit like the traditional Pawn shops, the Bixtrim Pawn shop will act as a Platform where owners of Coins in need of Fiat for something else can Pawn off their coins in exchange for Fiat, for a predetermined period of time. The amazing thing is that if during this period, the coin appreciates in value. The pawner gains because he'll have the gain accrued.
Bixtrim can be used as an Escrow. How? The Bixtrim Platform can be used to ascertain if a product or item is as what it was advertised to be. The Principal chosen at random by parties will inspect the items and give the go ahead or not for the buyer.
Bixtrim will issue a debit card that will be used for the purchase of goods and services. The card will be linked to Bixtrim and other Cryptocurrencies and instantly converted to the currency of the receiving seller or service provider. The conversion will be at the prevailing rate.
These and many other features are what Bixtrim aim to bring to users of its platform.
Bixtrim is located in Georgia. The rate of adoption of the Blockchain is astronomical and this will boost the Platform because of the Blockchain use that's already part of the citizen's everyday life.
Token Sale
For more information about Bixtrim and the Token, visit and Whitepaper
Very interesting.
Yes it really is