News & Updates from our team:
We have excellent news, now you can find us on TrackICO https://www.trackico.io/ico/findexchange/ . We would appreciate if you could hit the vote button.
We are launching our World Tour, and the first city we will be visiting is Los Angeles. We are flying tomorrow! Feel free to drop by and say "Hi" to us at the "Crypto Invest Summit" Show from 30th April to 2nd of May. Warning - you might get some tokens for free. Follow us on Twitter/Telegram/Facebook etc. so you know where we're heading next!
We are working hard on finalising our bounty program. It will be released very soon, so stay tuned!
If you are a blogger/influencer, and you are active on top the social media platforms - WE NEED YOU!
Join our Telegram chat https://t.me/findexchangediscussion and introduce yourself, we would be happy to have a chat with you. Alternatively, please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
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Teaser - https://blockchain.find.exchange/teaser.pdf
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- News & Updates page: https://t.me/findexchange
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good project
i love this project!
A revolutionary project.
Great exchange! the top exchange future!
good work
I like this
Projeto fantástico, vai ser um sucesso!!!
We provider source code of crypto exchange. by MasterDAX https://www.masterdax.com/
future exchange
Great project!
Great project, waiting for access to the top exchange and further promotion. Also a great road map and knowledgeable guide. In chat telegram respond quickly and clearly. great purchase price at the moment. What exchanges do you plan to enter and how long do you advise to keep the tokens?
good project
Very nice project