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RE: On Blockchains and Men

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)

Needs be noted several blockchains chose to embrace "Web3.0" as a term and that's a good thing because it gives them an actual purpose, a raison d'être so to say. But Web3.0 never demanded anything such as decentralization and preceded even BTC by years (IIRC Sir Tim first mentioned it in 2003 or was it 2005?)

Yet,they are harmed, have no nimbleness in their evolution where centralized organisations can and do move much faster. Blockchains are style slow squared. Both held back in pace and actual conceptual evolution by their governance model.

But we are getting there. Maybe not yet to the point you think web3.0 should decentralize; that would have us look at the original torrent system, ipfs already does well in that aspect but hasn't yet hit mainstream (momentum is consolidating towards further use of the protocol by other chains). Slowly but surely, it will happen and I don't really expect any Goliath to enter the game and hijack that functionality. Even if they could design the "Fattest Protocol of All".

Btw I did enjoy this angle to creating discussion. There's a lot of truth in it.