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RE: iTechCrypto - Need Help To Make Better Platform

in #blockchain6 years ago

I'm very sorry for such a late comment. I bookmarked your post a while ago but I didn't really managed to read it through until now.

No need to sorry my friend @crypto.piotr. I know you always here to support :)

You did quite a solid job launching I'm just always wondering how to monetize traffic within crypto industry. I found this industry to be ... well, very cheap. Everyone wants to pay with their own tokens or they would like to get some exposure for free ;) lol

Thank you for the good words about Yes it's hard for sure and I am not sure yet how I am going to survive. Good thing is I have friends like you @crypto.piotr, @jadams2k18, @lanzjoseg, @techbuzz07, @imthinker, @juanmolina, @neavvy & many more. I just started what I wanted to do, let's see how far it goes with my content & support of friends like you :)

Other thing I noticed is the fact, that people do not like to visit blogs so much any more. We all like to make our life simple and easy. We appreciate convinience. That's why facebook, youtube, twitter, instagram etc dominated markets. And blogs will also not be able to compete with social media platforms (like steemit, medium etc).

Surely there are too many platforms which cause less traffic on blogs but still it not dead completely .

I hope this is long-term project. Patience will be surely necessary.

Will try my best.

ps. thank you for your latest resteem

Always try my best to support you as well :)


Hi buddy

I've noticed that @techbuzz07 and @imthinker are not with us anylonger :(

I thought that too @crypto.piotr. But recently they commented on my post. They both are not getting time for usual job and after crypto issue in India they think it's hard to go on with this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Im glad to know that they are both still around and fine :)