Yeah I do not think another hard fork will do for this, and we do need to think pragmatically anyways if we want to see some actual results.
The ease of use though is an area where I will try to focus a lot on in an upcoming project I have laying around, but I need to get another project going smoothly first called @thisisawesome, and I think that by the end of this week I will have all details pegged down.
The last 2 weeks have been pretty hard work on that, with a lot of changes and a lot of additions to make it effective, now I just need to get everything to the point where I do not have to spend 2 to 3 hours per day running it.
The upcoming one for easy Steem onboarding and a knowledge base for how to use it is called @awesomesteem, and it also has it's own Engrave domain name, and that will soon get most of my focus, it will also include community contributions through a tokenbb powered forum once I have set that up, and you are welcme to contribute when all the details are worked out.
Stay Awesome!
Thank you for your reply @flaxz
This project is really amazing, I seriously appreciate manual curation on this platform.
Wow, this looks really interestingly. Easy Steem anboarding and spreading knowledge about how this platform works is in my opinion the most important effort if we want to pump the price of Steem.
I would be glad to do it. How will the contributing work?
Thanks @neavvy, my idea right now is that the community can post about different aspects of the Steem blockchain in the Tokenbb forum, get rewarded on those posts since they posted them, and be included in the index for the knowledgebase.
Those index posts will be set up as different categories on the Engrave website and each category is also it's own menu item, that way everything will take place on the Steem blockchain.
I also plan to do several small ebooks that can be easily rebranded on their affiliate links, like Partiko invites and such.
There are a lot of details yet to work out, and I have so far just set up the website and made an introduction post.
That sounds really interesting. I will be glad to contribute :)