ASCH Chain Version 1.4 – More Exciting Features To Help You Build DAPPS

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

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Dapp development continues to increase on a daily basis and developers and organizations are constantly looking for blockchain networks that could provide them with a simple and easy to use platform for the development of dApps of their choice. Decentralized applications are benefitial to developers and companies in that they provide a secure and trustworthy means of connecting directly to users. This is exactly the reason why dApps is growing is so much demand because it totally eliminates the costs and delay of having to use a centralized platform like Android and IOS before you can connect to the end users of your platform.

ASCH Chain is a next generation dApp platform that allows you to develop dApps using JavaScript API to communicate with the blockchain. ASCH provides a fairly simple dApp building platform for any developer or organization to communicate directly with their users. There are many dApp building platforms on the market but ASCH comes with new exciting features that make dApp building as interesting and easy as it could get.

ASCH Exciting New Features

  • Nickname Alias: Support transfer by using nickname
  • Council feature for publicity of asset status
  • Voting Agent
  • Proposal

Nickname Alias: Support transfer by using nickname
One of the most interesting features included in the new version of the ASCH platform is the introduction of “Nickname Alias”. Blockchain addresses are combination of long alpha-numeric characters which are impossible to memorize. This is one of the major impediments to massive blockchain adoption because inability to remember wallet addresses or transaction hash slows down transactions. ASCH solves this problem by enabling transactions to be carried out simply with the use of a nick rather than the long characters which is impossible to remember. You can transfer any ASCH based token simply with the use of this nickname that you’ve registered in the settings area rather than using the long blockchain addresses.

Council feature for publicity of asset status
ASCH version comes with an upgrade on the DPoS algorithm in which delegates get reward by validating blocks on behalf of all the nodes in the network. DPoS doesn’t contribute much to the development of the entire network because delegates under DPoS do not contribute anything to the community other than forging blocks. ASCH version 1.4 comes with the council feature which allows the council to keep all the XAS produced in the network. From the total XAS kept in the council, delegates can then be rewarded with corresponding amount of XAS according to their contributions to the network. This is a massive upgrade on the DPoS and it is quite transparent because everyone can see all the expenses of XAS in the council and the movement of XAS in and out of the council is open for anybody to cross check.

Voting Agent
One of the major problems of DPoS algorithm is that the proportion of community participation in voting is low and it is impossible to delegate voting powers under this algorithm. ASCH version 1.4 also allows you to delegate voting powers to a member of the community known as the voting agent who you deem to be active enough and you believe has the same vision as you. Once the voting agent has been set up, the ticket rights will then be handed over to the agent. When the holder wants to get the right back, the agency condition can be cancelled at any time. This increase community participation in the voting system and further strengthens the decentralization of the network.

ASCH version 1.4 also comes with an amazing “proposal” feature which allows people to propose their ideas which could then be accepted or rejected based on the number of votes by all the delegates. ASCH adopts a consensus algorithm whereby there are 101 nodes that are trusted and elected to be equal, called "Delegates." These trusted delegates can then vote either to accept (68 and above votes means pass) or reject the proposal by the members of the community. At the moment, there is a cross-chain gateway proposal that is available on the network while more proposals are planned to be added in the future. A perfect example is the case of the just accomplished btc and bch cross-chain but this not available yet on the platform because a gateway is not in place yet. The gateway is to make sure that tokens and transactions across chain is safe and secure as these transactions will have to be verified by all the members of the gateway.

ASCH Chain version 1.4 has implemented all these amazing features just to make the process of building your awesome dApps much simpler and enjoyable and also to increase community participation in the development of the entire ecosystem. ASCH has been able to develop a next-generation dApp building platform which organizations and developers can leverage to easily develop applications that conform to their own business scenarios.

For more information on the ASCH platform, please visit the following useful links:

Website: Whitepaper: Official forum: Github: Online wallet: Explorer: FAQ: CoinMarketCap: