Shivom is the base for health care providers. They add their applications and services through the ecosystem of genomics. Project participants can own their genomic data. They have the opportunity to control the rights of access to it and receive rewards when and if they want to share it.
I'm reading that genetic engineering and deciphering the human genome are the greatest tasks and achievements of mankind.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines genomics as
"A branch of biotechnology associated with the application of methods of genetics and molecular biology to genetic mapping and sequencing of DNA sets of genes or complete genomes of individual organisms, with the organization of results in databases, and with the use of data (both in medicine and in biology).
This project has a lot of advantages. One of them is that it is based on a block chain. It allows you to use the most advanced technology and provide the next level of data confidentiality. Perhaps the future of health care for similar projects.
I recommend everyone to get acquainted with the site and the white budmage of this project. I am sure for myself you will find a lot of useful information.