How the blockchain will change the world... And how we might help it become a better world.

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steem world. Happy New Year to all of you... I hope you had a great time if you celebrate it. I don't because I think this part of the year has nothing to do with the beginning of it, this is the most stale, the most boring part of it (atleast for the upper hemisphere) and placing such a big event in the middle of the winter might be a way to cope with the boredom. I think that if anything, only early spring time deserves a celebration of such a massive scale, and the way in which we celebrate is completely wrong, getting drunk or drugged, sound or light polluting is not the path we should take to start new beginnings. Nevertheless, the air yesterday was filled with energy and it is only a matter of one's skill how one could use it. I used it to rearrange myself, one of the resolutions is, to get back on STEEM.

Before I start talking about anything, I think I should note that I haven't done this in a while - there are a few reasons why, and you might take profit from them. I think it's safe to say that I'm depressed if such a mental disorder actually exists, and it is not just a scheme to get a waking person drugged enough not to see world clearly enough to be in such a state (which I will be explaining further in future articles). In the next few months, while my garden is under frost, I will be discussing the whole of life, parts of it seemingly unrelated to my journey to a life outside of this wicked system. In my view, everything in my life and in life in general is intertwined, but I am yet to discover all the connections (it is certainly not possible, but it is the journey), and to leave out a single thing, aspect or concept out of this diary would render it perforated with missing parts.

Analysis is a great paralysis indeed...

One so great I haven't written the smallest text (except for a few poems I don't even like) in more than a month. From my own experience, I've got to say that a creative individual is not the one that is magically gifted with an ability to create, one that is able to effectively filter his own ideas, or even the one that is under the influence of a short lasting, unexplainable moment called inspiration - because one is unable to reproduce it by will.

While such moments are often a wonderful thing for creatives, since they offer unexpected freshness, it is not what makes one creative. Creativity is a skill which must be trained by consant, everyday use, and one that abandons the practice of it and/or trades it for analysis (or for the search of the inspired moment) is, in the long term, less creative than the one that forces himself every day to be creative. I'm not saying that if you want to learn to draw, you should just force yourself to draw every day and you will surely become better. I am saying - if you practice daily, while drawing a new thing every day and being maximally conscious of what the fuck are you doing, you'll eventually stumble upon a masterpiece.

Quantity over quality, because quantity creates quality over time.


Most of us are here to go to the moon, bear with me, I am too. However, most don't realize what that implies. Financial freedom is not what it looks like. It's not a fast car, a big boat, a huge house or even a stack of coins in your crypto portfolio. The problem is, all of those things are spendable and easily vanishable (and they do not multiply by themselves, except for proof of stake coins and if you own an masternode)... They last for a while, they need constant fuel/maintenance/work in order to be constantly used. If they are not used, you probably have no benefit from them.

Below, a picture of the moon. Even from Earth, it is evident how scarce, lonely and sad it is to be on it. Maybe we should strive to create a better Earth, before we decide to go to the moon.

Coming from a permacultural, I acquired a different sense of freedom than most people have. My freedom does not come in the shape of the size of my saving's account, the speed of the vehicle I drive or the house I live in. It comes in the form of people I interact with, the plants I raised to be independent of my constant care, the ideas and the ideals I stack and use to make a better world - easier for the people and abundant for the whole of life. The most importantly, my freedom is all the knowledge, skill and wisdom I have cultivated within myself. To summarize this:

My freedom is the diversity and abundance of life around me and inside of me!


Problems of modern capitalism

Let me state this in the beginning - I love the idea of capitalism - I love the idea that work and innovation should be rewarded, while the state of inertia and laziness should be disincentivized. The problem is, the way in which this progress is going is regulated in a way that everything that benefits the whole of life is left to survive on it's own, while destructive behaviour is payed for.

Below, forests, the remaining part of proof of abundance of life, still fairly untouched by the destructive hand of man called 'progress'...

I'm not saying we should stop building skyscrapers and roads. I'm saying these should be done in a completely different manner. Imagine that all roads we have are in fact solar collectors that ward us off using unsustainable sources of energy - imagine that all vertical surfaces of skyscrapes are gardens and the rooftops are food forests and the buildings have built in eagle and falcon habitats which control the city's population of rats! Imagine we don't have sewers but all our wastewaters are made into irrigation waters via plant/bacterial biological cleaners/purifiers! Imagine being able to live off of produce in the city that grows by itself without paying anyone a dime for it.

The above is a glimpse of urban permacultural design. It's what should enter all aspects our lives in order for humanity to really thrive and keep the progress we have right now.

On the other side, people build huge buildings in which noone shall ever live just to launder the money. They ruin vast ecosystems to plant grain to feed livestock which are cramped up like sardines in a can in huge warehouses. They bathe in their own shit, while they are fed with grains that are responsible for the destruction of beautiful ecosystems. Then, they are transported via huge trucks to other closed spaced where they are mercilessly killed with no hesitation - away from the eyes of 99.99% people. These vehicles run on fuel for which we drill the Earth and make ecological catastrophies of global extent. After they are killed, the bodies of these animals are transported with the same means of trasportation using the same energy, to a 'processing' facility where their bodies are reduced to nothing but slices of meat and put inside plastic packaging for which the Earth is drilled one more time. Then, the 'products' are moved spot-to-spot once more, using the same primitive form of energy, to supermarkets where people with smiling faces spend a figurative form of energy which is printed out of thin air (for which they sacrifice great parts of their lives), in hopes to be nutritionally complete, and eating the flesh, they set themselves up to get all forms of chronic diseases, which they try to treat with pills filled with chemicals that are a new threat to their health and offer little if any benefits. The safety of these chemicals is tested on animals in ways in which both you and I cannot comprehend - they suffer, and we have still, every drug on the market has atleast some side-effects (while most are detrimental to the health of the human). It seems to me that KRS - One was right when he said it: "Life brings life and death brings death."

If the statement above is true, how is it that we think we can sustainably live a life of abundance while we cause death on every step we make?

I think, that might not be the root of it all tho'...

Inequality issues

While I still think the idea of capitalism is valuable and usable, it amazes me how the current system has made it impossible for someone to succeed, while someone else is thriving just because he's born in a certain family. In the current form od capitalism , a child in a third world country risks starvation every day, while the child of a banker has enough heritage to buy the property of a state, a country, or atleast a vast landscape that could feed thousands.

Are the starving child's parents too deficient in IQ to make a decent living?

The thing is, it's not only heritage that's an advantage of the banker's child. It has got another trick on it's disposal, an ace in the sleeve that slowly affects the game while it seems that someone's a winner and someone's a loser.

That's interest.


A little by little, the banker family acquired all the tokens on the table, while the 'players' play themselves out. It's not only bank interest that creates this problem - the same goes for any kind of provision, but bank interest affects almost all the money there is right now - that is, fiat currency. I shall not get into how most of fiat money is made in this article, maybe it's a future topic, but plenty of information is available online for you to find out more.

The perfect breeding machine for sociopaths and psychopaths

Since most of the money in capitalism is issued with interest, it is so that the world is in more debt than there is money in circulation. If that is true, isn't there only one way to really make a profit (or to pay of your loan with interest) - by acquiring the capital of another person?

When you add some regulatory gray grounds, some nepotism, a little bit of lobbying and complete ethical inconsistency to the equation, what do you get?

I think and see, a world where people that value empathy the least succeed the most! A world where human dignity is an ancient concept - where the employer harvests profit from the life force of the employee, until he falls to his knees from utter exhaustion begging for a paycheck... I'm not speaking figuratively here, I've seen it in person (not only once), and I'm not even living in a third world country! To succeed in capitalism, you have to either be a person who is able to come out with a product superior to anything on the market, or just act like a complete sociopathic slaveowner... I've seen the first online a few times (Elon Musk, Dan Larimer, Satoshi Nakamoto), but the second - I've seen that hundreds of times in real life. If the goal of the current system is to incentivize progress - it's not doing it as good as encouraging sociopathic behaviour.

Even if the above is not true (evidently, it is), that the current system is created by and is a breeding machine for psychopaths, the below is:

A system based on a currency with enforced value which is based on debt with interest, cannot in any way be sustainable.


Below, Coprinus comatus in the act of deliquescence, eating itself alive. It is a fair analogy of the current from of capitalism, tho' I must say it differs in a way that the mushrooms eats only itself (since it is not a parasitic mushroom), while the system eats and corrupts the whole of society.

Where the agency takes all the profit away

If you're reading this, you might be intrigued by the concept of the STEEM blockchain. To most, it is at the first glance just a quick way to make money, but it's much more than that. You can make money in a gazillion of different ways, but STEEM, I believe, is different. In fact, most of cryptocurrency is different, since you don't have to be directly or indirectly involved with any kind of interest or even any kind of provision!

In my honest opinion, the provision takers of today have gone completely insane. I'm not gonna speak any names here, not because I'm scared they're gonna sue me, but because this can be applied everywhere, in every industry, from the internet to general technology, housing, music, turism & catering, food supplies and so on. You literally cannot have fun, or even have a shelter, quench your thirst and hunger without being underprivileged in some way - that is, if you take part in the monetary system we have today.

For example, to advertise your idea, product, business or organization online, you have to pay a big sum of money, which doesn't only benefit the creator of the content you're using to advertise, but it benefits almost exclusively the platform creators that both you, the content creator, and the viewer are on. That means that you pay a truckload of money and the creatives are likely to receive pennies. Not only that, but the owner of the platform reserves all rights to censor you, and thus, has exceptionless control over you. When one is red pilled enough to see this, he is completely disincentivized to use the platform. The problem is, the blue pill is much easier to swallow.

Decentralized everything - anarchy fueled by the code!


Whenever we give an opportunity to somebody to get power, we must be sure he will use it. The only way to go around this is to diversify it... Give everyone something, and that is what cryptocurrency is trying to do, find the perfect way to distribute power & wealth. In my view, the perfect crypto is the one that is feeless (but scalable), trustless (but secure), completely decentralized and capable of stimulating the best parts of human essence and disincentivizing the worst, capable of providing true transparency while keeping the privacy. Such a thing is capable of disrupting dozens of industries, replacing it with something way ahead of the game, something efficient and sophisticated.

Power, governance and the wisdom of the crowd directed by the code

Once the described system is created and embraced by the most, we will not need centralized government anymore. We won't need respresentative democracy, where not a single person is satisfied with the rules of the game, because we will achieve direct democracy, or even a kind of sociocracy - a consent based system, where every relevant individual will agree to every decision that has a direct relationship with him. The free market will choose, once it becomes wiser.

Anarchy, does not mean chaos anymore

Anarchy, the state of not having a ruler, is something people have long thought to be a state of disorder and chaos. When you think about it, analyze the root of the word, anarchy has to do exclusively with the first part of the sentence (the state of not having a ruler). The opposite, the state of having a ruler, implies that there is somebody that is ruled over, but that individual does not necessarily comply or even consent to the rules or even to the fact that there is a ruler over him. Thus, the opposite of anarchy is not disorder and chaos, but oppression, and the state of anarchy does not imply the lack of rules, but if it has rules, everyone must consent to them.

Do you agree, that if we achieve true sociocracy, we will simultaneously achieve true anarchy?

Thank you for reading, I hope it sparked some thoughts in you. It sure did spark up the STEEM feeling in my heart again... Anyway, in the next two months, you can expect a lot of philosophy, vegan recipes and tips and tricks to a consent-based lifestyle (we all know that animals cannot consent to be eaten or exploited), or atleast a lifestyle that is as close as it can get to it. After that I will continue writing about gardening, permaculture and foraging. Also, you will be seeing me making some crafts, I didn't tell you that yet, but art pottery is a thing for me.

If you like this post, if you like philosophy, crafts, gardening, permaculture, foraging, plants, mushrooms, a vegan lifestyle, vegan recipes or just simple kindness towards the whole of life, be sure to hit the follow button and ofcourse upvote this post!

I have resetted my follows due to a lot of shitposts on my steemit homepage, so be sure to leave a comment if you want me to check out your blog... To all the gardeners, foragers and vegan activists I have followed earlier, I will be refollowing you in a few days!

With the deepest love, @freegardens


I was just saying the other day that I think new years would make more sense closer to spring with the new life! And as for getting intoxicated to celebrate it certainly doesn't make much sense. !! I was also talking about how motivated I was today and how that might have something to do with the collective consciousness and everyone with their resolutions! I love how you explain the creativity/analysis. Neural plasticity!

All I can say to the rest is Wow! I look forward to more posts from you!!

Thanks for stopping by @wisewoof, followed you right there! Neural plasticity, that's a new concept for me, care to explain and/or provide informational links?

I'm glad you liked the post, stay tuned, I will keep it coming! :)

Basically means the more you do something, the better you get at it. I first heard about it from this documentary.

Ahh, now it rings a bell with your explaination... If I'm not wrong, I think there's a TED talk about it. Thanks for the vid, I'll consume it for breakfast with a fresh mind in the morning. Cheers @wisewoof!

Plasticity means something can be reshaped and molded in different ways... implying a degree of flexibility as well as structure. Neuroplasticity is the term used to describe the human brain's incredible adaptability, and is something that can be cultivated or allowed to wither depending on the stimulus available in the life :)

Thanks for comment, but I'm almost completely sure you're wrong. Plasticity is a property of a material that makes it stay in shape you put it in, it is the opposite of flexibility (which makes the material return to the shape it was in before). Hence, plastic has a high plasticity, but no flexibility.

Plasticity and flexibility can exist togather tho', but the presence of one of the properties, makes the other less dominant.

Structure kinda counters plasticity too. The more structure there is, the less the homogenous the material is, the less it is plastic.

Plastic - "(of substances or materials) easily shaped or molded."

Some materials could be consider plastic initially (concrete, clay or thermoset plastic) but not easily revertable to that state, while other materials (thermoplastic, wax et cetera) may be made plastic repeatedly using a set of conditions (heat).

Physiologically, plasticity refers to a system's ability to stay adaptable. Again from dictionary - (in Biology) "exhibiting adaptability to change or variety in the environment."

I'm happy to be corrected, but I don't think your statements are entirely informed :)

Now you're right, when you take out the flexibility part.

It's apparent that the definition for biology is slighty different than in chemistry and physics, thanks.

My information comes from school, I had a class in chemical and physical properties of clay, which contained a few hours in plasticity.

Flexibility in a biological system or in say molding and casting isn't quite the same as in a mechanical system; also for example with your explanation, concrete would be plastic after setting, as it is technically quite flexible in its liquid state. When it's set up it becomes rigid, which by your explanation would be plastic due to structure, but is no longer formable/moldable. Most people would not consider concrete to be "plastic" in its properties. Easy enough to get caught up in the technicalities though ^_^ I'm sure you can see the awkwardness in trying to explain things under those terms. Not trying to be picky or anything just constructive input :)

Nice writing by the way!


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