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RE: "We Need To Shut Bitcoin And All Other Cryptocurrencies Down - Here's Why"

in #blockchain5 years ago

HOW DARE THEY not spy on the people mining their coin! They should provide full bio-metric data for every person that even sniffs the smell of their warm GPU's! Any one of them could be guilty of genocide! So they must all provide a full sleuth of biological samples! Presumption of innocence? PSHAW! They must all face the inquisition and grovel before our overlords!

This guy's a total knob.

This whole idea of turning over everyone's data to a country's law enforcement because some of them might be committing crimes is relatively new...and it hasn't been extremely effective in combating money laundering and terrorism...or it would be far more rare. The criminals just find a way to get around it and everyone is forced to have their financial data exposed to some government entity while the criminals get away with literal murder.

Of course there are criminals that are caught due to banks sharing the data of all their customers...or most of them, but to do that they violated the rights of everyone.

There are still people that believe in privacy and the presumption of innocence, even if the current trend is greater and greater violations of one's personal freedoms under the guise of keeping us safe.

I'd also be interested to know how many innocent people they cause undo stress due to their invasion of their privacy. There are tons of stories of people getting charged with money laundering simply for the "crime" of using cash.

Oh, and he's dead wrong that crypto mining by malware isn't a high priority. Normal malware is bad enough when it comes to the usability of one's computer, just due to poor programming. When malware grinds your computer to a halt, you notice.

I wish I could fucking flag this nunce!

I hope we stop our death spiral towards this totalitarian hell world these idiots would take us to. So many of them don't even recognize that our rights are being eroded every day.