Here is GODcoin's latest update!
Samuel Grenier, GODcoin's ingenious CTO, put together an amazing blockchain tech demonstration. In this latest demo, you will see the communication between a minter node, seed node, and a wallet node.
From the video, here is a description of what you will see:
In the top left, we can see the minter node producing blocks. In the top right, we can see the seed node synchronizing with the minter node, which in turns provides data to the wallet seen in the bottom terminal.
The bottom terminal, demonstrates basic usage of the command-line wallet. A balance and block retrieval with a simple transfer and account import is shown in this demo.
There will be much more to come in the near future, so be sure to stay tuned to GODcoin's social media and website!
This article was authored by Judith Monte, @belovebelight
There are many advantages to GODcoin especially since it is one of the few coins that will be backed by gold and silver. Not only does GODcoin offer the illuminated path towards a prosperous future, but very soon, it will be the global currency. To learn more, visit the following links:
View the history leading up to the white paper
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Demonstrations like this are the kind of thing investors need to make smart decisions. Great work, Mr. Grenier.
This is really good!
The future of currency!
The fact that you mention the "coming of the kingdom" while displaying an image of Saturn is not lost on me. The fact that you combine Islamic and Christian references is not lost on me. The masonic symbolism is not lost on me. I am also aware that what some within the meeting halls have said that the Christ has returned, while others have claimed the anti-christ has come, and that he never sleeps and subsists on Almonds.
I am concerned about the fact that you speak with such confidence, as if you speak for God Himself, and that you speak in such general terms while invoking symbols that have both dark and light implications.
Here is the thing that you probably did not know and is lost on you.
There is no such thing as "The Antichrist" this is a modern fallacy. Only in NIV and newer translations do you find "the" placed before the word antichrist. The truth is there is no SINGULAR antichrist persona. If you look up the word "anti" what does it mean? Does it mean opposite or does it mean "against". Anyone who is against Christ is literally antichrist. ANYONE can become antichrist not just a single person.
That is the great deception that Satan has used to deceive the entire world into believing that an evil figure will appear before Christ does.
Does it make sense now?
I'm agnostic as to whether there is or will be THE antichrist, but there is a consistency to the antichrist principle. Nero, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and many others like them have and do live out the antichrist archetype. But the opposite is also true. Osiris, Isaac, Joseph, Daniel, Socrates, and many others like them have and do live out the Christ archetype. Yet we do recognize that there is A CHRIST that in some way fulfills the form in a more complete way than those other people have. If we apply the principle found in the Book of Coming In and Going Out (aka, the Book of the Dead), That both the darkness and the light escalate together, then it would be logical to look for AN ANTICHRIST.
But beyond that, the few things this person has put out provoke even more questions. For example, he seems to suggest the existence of a pantheon of lesser gods that seek human sacrifice. But wherever these gods are found in the Old Testament, the chosen people are told to slaughter them. You say there's no anti-christ, yet there definitely seems to be a very real conflict between Jehovah and Baal, for instance. So how do you account for that?
I'll be honest: this character resembles what I think a messiah would look like, but on close inspection, I'm finding a dearth of substance.
An important Biblical principle is "Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened for you."
There is almost no substantive content available online to set this...person...apart from anyone else. I've studied enough and immersed myself in the archetypes enough that I am confident that I would recognize if someone claiming to be who you claim to be was real. I know the Jesus of the Gospel of Thomas. I know the authentic style of the one who knows how reflect truth to answer the question you can't quite form.
So where is it? If you are who you say you are, and not just a cult leader taking advantage of the simple, you'll know my heart and speak to it.
The only thing that is dark is fear. Love casts it out. Remember the Lord is the one that takes over everything and makes it better, pure, non corrupted and more mutually beneficial. He is creating a way to make you thrive. He takes the foundation others worked hard for but lost vision of a better way for all and he makes it better. That is why it is confusing. He takes what is structurally strong whether physically or foundational plans etc, but makes it fundamentally stronger and better so to speak. Non corrupted and lasting for the betterment of mankind and earth. So those plans that people make all those centuries and people see them as evil.. most likely are yes evil, but they set the foundation and he takes it over to make it pure. They just do not know ...but they will! God Coin is part of the Lord's plan and it will work because as he said everything else will fall and just as he promised... one by one they are falling.
So far, nothing I've been able to locate by this Rael is inconsistent with what I know to be the case, but he has produced almost no content himself. The last video he put out was four years ago. It all seems rather thin. From a philosophical perspective, he seems to suggest a lot while actually saying very little. Jesus was very concerned with the inner spiritual life of man. Where is that message?
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Also, there is one glaring question that is in the forefront of my mind. If Rael knows the mind of God, then he knows my question and can answer it.
Posted using Partiko Android
How do you know he hasn't answered it already?
Major steps for mankind !
There's no equal!
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