Hi, everyone!
Last week some technical updates have been introduced to the testnet. We issue a new set of instructions on the testnet participation. The Gravity Team takes a serious view on information support of the project. If you have any questions which are not presented in the instructions, please leave them in the comments.
Join our Telegram dev chat
Instructions in the Set
- Update Gravity Protocol node
- Resync Gravity Protocol node
- Edit the blockchain configuration
- Find our account’s private keys
- Vote for Gravity Protocol witnesses
- Comittee Memember Registration Tutorial
- Vote for Gravity Protocol Committee Members
- Gravity protocol’s proxy
- Change a node in the Gravity Protocol wallet
- Backup copy of a bin-file
- Brainkey backup copy of your Gravity wallet
Update Gravity Protocol node
- First, we’ll go to the node’s directory cd gravity-testnet-docker
- Here we’ll stop our node sudo docker-compose down
- Then we’ll receive the update from github git pull origin and new versions of packages from Dockerhub sudo docker-compose pull
- Now we’ll run the node in daemon mode sudo docker-compose up -d
- If you prefer, you can display current sync status on the screen sudo docker-compose logs --tail 10 -f
- To hide the logs, press Ctrl+Z.
Resync Gravity Protocol node
- First we’ll go to the node’s directory cd gravity-testnet-docker
- Here we’ll stop our node sudo docker-compose down
- And run it again sudo docker-compose up -d
- If you prefer, you can display current sync status on the screen sudo docker-compose logs --tail 10 -f
- To hide the logs, press Ctrl+Z.
Edit the blockchain configuration
- First we’ll go to the node’s directory and open cli-wallet when the node is launched.
- Then we’ll unlock the wallet. And now we’ll get to work.
- We’ll get current configuration values. We’ll make a proposal to change the maximum asset feed publishers.
- Now we’ll get the number of proposal id.
- And we’ll vote.
- Now we’ll close the cli-wallet using Ctrl+C
- As you can see, we've created a configuration change proposal and voted for it.
Find our account’s private keys
- First, we’ll open the “Keys” tab.
- Then we’ll enter the password to bin-file.
- After that, we’ll press “Show keys”.
- There are two owner keys and two active keys. Each pair has one public key. Your public key starts with ZGV, and your private key starts with “5”.
*Just left-click on one of them to copy.
Vote for Gravity Protocol witnesses
- First, go to the “Voting” tab on the left.
- Here we see a list of accounts who want to become witnesses. As you can see, some of them are active now, some are not.
- There are some links in the “About” column. They mostly lead to articles, where people describe why they want to become a witness.
- We can select up to 30 accounts we want to support. Our voting power is not affected by the amount of accounts we choose to support.
- After the selections have been made, we’ll click “Vote”.
- After that, we’ll enter the password to the bin-file.
- And we’ll press “Vote” again.
- So we’ve successfully supported our selected witnesses.
Vote for Gravity Protocol Committee Members
- Go to the “Voting” tab on the left.
- Then select the “Committee” tab above.
- Here we see a list of accounts who want to become committee members. Some of them are active now, some are not.
- There are some links in the “About” column. They mostly lead to articles, where people describe why they want to become a committee member.
- We can select up to 30 accounts we want to support. Our voting power is not affected by the amount of accounts we choose to support.
- After the selections have been made, we’ll click “Vote”.
- Now enter the password to the bin-file.
- We’ll click “Vote” again.
- So we’ve successfully supported our selected committee members.
Gravity protocol’s proxy
- First, we’ll open the “Voting” tab.
- Here we see tabs containing witnesses and committee members.
- If for example, we don’t have much time to figure out which of them are worth our support, and which are not...
the proxys are here to help us. - Proxy is an account to which we can delegate our voting power. However, it doesn’t have access to our wallet or our tokens.
- All we have to do now is select an account to which we’ll delegate the vote.
- After that, we’ll insert the chosen account’s ID to a “Set proxy” line and press “Delegate”.
- Here is where we’ll fill in our bin-file password and press “Yes, I agree”.
- Please note: after setting the proxy you won’t be able to vote personally.
- If instead you decide that you want to vote in person, you can always press “Cancel proxy”. And then press “Yes, I agree”.
Change a node in the Gravity Protocol wallet
- By default, the set node will be the one with the lowest ping. But if for whatever reason it doesn’t suit you, you can always change it.
- You can access the selection of nodes in two ways.
- The first way is to press the block number and then “Advanced settings”.
- The second way is to press “Settings” and go to the nodes tab. Here we need to turn off automatic node selection.
- After that, we’ll press the “Switch node” button in front of the node we’ve chosen.
- In the future it will be possible to add random nodes here as well.
Backup copy of a bin-file
- To make it, we’ll first go to “Settings”.
- Then we’ll select the “Backup” tab and press “Create backup now”.
- Here we’ll enter the bin-file password and press “Download”.
- As you can see, a backup file has been saved to the download folder.
- Now we’ll need to move it to a more secure place. That’s it!
Brainkey backup copy of your Gravity wallet
- You may need this backup if for some reason you only have a bin-file.
- First, we’ll go to “Settings”.
- Then we’ll select the “Backup” tab.
- Here we’ll enter the bin-file password below the “Brainkey” sign.
- And then we’ll press “Show”.
- After that we’ll copy the Brainkey to a safe file.
Enjoy Gravity!
See the previous articles
Gravity Protocol Intro
A Deeper Look Into Dan Larimer's radio
Adaptive Emission: Making Blockchain Economy Real
Gravity IPFS: Off-chain Data Storage
Gravity: Ecosystem Participants
Gravity: Stablecoin Solutions
Electronic Document Circulation: Gravity Extended Contract
To Kill a Middleman: Why Blockchain is Vitally Important for Small Businesses
Gravity Solutions: On the Way to the Marketplace 3.0
📢 Gravity Launches Public Testnet
Come to our testnet and break our toys!
Gravity Testnet Instructions Set #1
Network Reports
Gravity Testnet Report 25.05.2018–08.06.2018
Gravity Testnet Report 10.06.2018–24.06.2018
Gravity Testnet Report 25.06.2018 - 11.07.2018
More articles
How the Gravity Protocol Team Implements a Security Development Lifecycle
Testnet Environment For Attack Modelling: The Methodology
Gravity Mobile Wallet
Follow Us
Website: http://gravity.io
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Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4189531.0
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Telegram dev chat: https://t.me/gravity_protocol
Blog: https://steemit.com/@gravity-protocol
Blog: https://medium.com/@gravityprotocol
Twitter: https://twitter.com/protocolgravity
Discord: https://discord.gg/bcavmUg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravityprotocol
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