How does Blockchain work? How it can change the world?

in #blockchain7 years ago



The blockchain is primarily a distributed database. Think of a huge, worldly spreadsheet which is distributed. It is open source, that runs on millions and millions of computers. So anyone can change the underlying code, and they can see what’s going on. It’s truly peer to peer; it doesn’t need powerful intermediaries to authenticate or to settle transactions.It uses state-of-the-art cryptography, so if we have a global, distributed database that can record the fact that we’ve done this transaction, what else could it record? Well, it could record any structured information, not just who paid whom but also who married whom or who owns what land or what light bought power from what power source. In the case of the Internet of Things, we’re going to need a blockchain-settlement system underneath. Banks won’t be able to settle trillions of real-time transactions between things.So this is an extraordinary thing. An immutable, unhackable distributed database of digital assets. This is a platform for truth and it’s a platform for trust. The implications are staggering, not just for the financial-services industry but also right across virtually every aspect of society.Most blockchains—and Bitcoin is the biggest—are what you call permission-less systems. We can do transactions and satisfy each other’s economic needs without knowing who the other party is and independent from central authorities. These blockchains all have a digital currency of some kind associated with them, which is why everybody talks about Bitcoin in the same breath as the blockchain, because the Bitcoin blockchain is the biggest.But to me, the blockchain, the underlying technology, is the biggest innovation in computer science—the idea of a distributed database where trust is established through mass collaboration and clever code rather than through a powerful institution that does the authentication and the settlement. 

 The way it works is, if I owe you $20, we do the transaction. There’s a big community called miners, and they have a strong computing resource. Some people have estimated that the entire computing power of Google would be 5 percent of this blockchain-computing power, for the Bitcoin blockchain. That platform solves this biggest problem called the double-payment problem. If I send you an MP3 file and I send it to somebody else, it’s a problem for the record industry, but it’s not a massive problem. If I send you $20, and I send the same file to somebody else, that’s a big problem. It’s called fraud, and the economy stops if you have a monetary system based on that. What happens is, I send you the $20, and these miners, to make a long story short, go about authenticating that the transaction occurred.Each miner is motivated to be the first one to find the truth, and once you find the truth, it’s evidence to everybody else. When you find the truth and you solve a complex mathematical problem, you get paid some money, some Bitcoin. For me to hack that and try and send the same money to somebody else, or for me to come in and try and take your $20 worth of Bitcoins, is not practically possible because I’d have to hack that ten-minute block. That’s why it’s called blockchain, and that block is linked to the previous block, and the previous block—ergo, chain. This blockchain is running across countless numbers of computers. I would have to commit fraud in the light of the most powerful computing resource in the world, not just for that ten-minute block but for the entire history of commerce, on a distributed platform. This is not practically feasible.So, sure, there have been lots of problems with Bitcoin. You had big exchanges like Mt. Gox fail. You had the Silk Road, where Bitcoin was the payment system for all kinds of horrific, illegal activity. But don’t be confused by that. Many people make the mistake of thinking, “Bitcoin? Well, that’s an asset. Should I invest? Is it going to go up or down?” Well, that’s not of interest to me, just like speculating in gold is not of interest to me.Something that’s of bigger interest is Bitcoin as a digital currency that enables us to do these kinds of transactions. A cryptocurrency that’s not based on nation-states. The most important thing that we focus on in our work, is the much bigger question, this underlying, distributed-database technology that enables us to have a truthful and immutable record of everything. 

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Blockchain is precisely the backbone of every cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology adds a new layer to the internet: greet the era of information, and be ready for the internet of value.

Yeah really and there are more and more Smart Contract blockchain platforms popping up on the market,
It is beginning to gain further significant attention..Hope so..
thank you for your addition bro @leoumesh

The Blockchain is not a new technology. We can define blockchain as a amalgam of proven technologies applied in a new way. It combines the Internet, asymmetric, cryptography and governing incentivization to cater information registration and distribution that eliminates the need for a trusted party.

This is moving in the right direction and we should be happy that we will receive more independent judgement from now on and there will be a well needed learning opportunity for all of us.
Thanks for your thoughts @irfanullah

Thanks for giving knowledge about blockchain. You did good analysis . I had no more knowledge about it. Really it could change the whole world.

That' s very good that you have more knowledge so you should share in the comment box ...

I said i had no more knowledge.

The Block-Chain has far more uses. Someone is going to find a way to incorporate the fundamentals of Block-Chain into more of our daily activities. And that will be a game changer. Thanks for the share.

Thanks for sharing your views

Very good article about blockchain and crypto currency

excellent post, great article about blockchain and crypto currency,
my dear friend @hamzayousaf,thank you for sharing with us,

Writting &article is so good thanks @hamzayousaf for blokchain&cryptocurrency info

Excellent your blog. i agree with you.
carry on

Dear @hamzayousaf you brillintly explained it all. But some questions are still poping in my mind.

  1. Block is created once it is completed/verified a peer to peer transaction it is distributed, then where the created block is saved?
  2. What i saw no code in this world is without bugs and vulnerablities how we can say blockchain is uncompromiseable?

Bitcoin blockchain works on the principle of Byzantine fault tolerance, where one miner wins bitcoins by solving a difficult puzzle (Proof of work) while other miners verify that the block the winning miner wants to add to the blockchain has correct information. The only way you can disturb this, is using the 51% principle, where the miner who solves the puzzle deliberately gives incorrect information, and more than 51% of the verifying miners agree with it. But even like that, you won't be disturbing a lot more than one block in the blockchain, due to the very high hash rate required to do that.

Like you, I am also very exited about blockchain and decentralization and its potential to break the hegemony of the big tech companies. Decentralization is gonna make life easier for the people, as it is gonna help them avoid being wage slaves and be self employed instead. Rather than working for big companies, they would be contributing to a community, while getting rewards in the process.

it is amalgamation of upgraded technologies where we can say about other internet sources as well and you have done proper analysis of it for getting meaningful purpose.

block chain is the back bone of crypto currency