Privacy and Security on the BlockTree.
In the Panama community we don't say Blockchain because Cindy Zimmerman is using Guld OS for her devices operating system. Guld OS is a DAG which we like to call a Blocktree.
Currently Cindy's company Tigo CTM is offering its version of an ICO where you get 50% off coupons towards the purchase of TIGO CTM hardware.
Women in Tech.
Over the next year you will be hearing more and more from Cindy Zimmerman. Her company is already in the process of finding a location in the Panama Pacifico Free Zone to build out a manufacturing facility. TIGO CTM will be the flagship company to bring the Panama tech community to the fore front of the Central American tech world.
You given full conversation of Cindy Zimmerman CEO of TIGO CTM. It's longer time duration indeed. I watched only few. Before watch full discussion I drop comment. You given much valuable details @hilarski.
@hilarski, I have given my opinions before your post about TigoCTM. It's great ICO project currently and future will be great to joiners. Nice discussion held on Panama Glass conference. Tigo find secure of their customers. They give best offer. it's 50% off coupons towards the purchase of TIGO CTM hardware. Its great benefit. Hurry up guys...
You shared some great videos .... and I enjoyed your post very much ... hopefully, create such posts in the future .....thanks
well said "Cindy Zimmerman " about the privacy & security and its amazing offer from her that;
This is so great.upvote and resteem sir.thanks
Thanks for sharing sir...
Nice video thanks <3 @hilarski
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Thank You! ⚜
Very nice information of panama community...video is also awasome....
this is so great. you got the great point here
that is so great, is necesarry know how have a good securuty ib the world of cryptocurrency
Lets check this out thanks for sharing
thank you friends for sharing information about ICO and good luck Panama Pacifico to build TIGO CTM manufacturing facility
You are doing my day men @hilarski, thanks for daily posting of blockchain conference!
First thank you for publishing these conferences for us, and second Cindy is an expert in the area
The only thing I saw were his pants. Ahahahahahahahahahah.
interesante post!!!
gracias por compartir acerca de esta red de tegnologia tigo ctm
Hola amigo buen post, me gusto gracias por compartir sobre esa red de tegnoligia, saludos
Excelente post mi estimado amigo @hilarski, siempre apoyandote saludos. buenas noches
amazing sir...👍
Good post, tanks to share.