Hello people from the future. lol what?
You have a few crypto coins and you want to get rich obviously. Right, 2018 is a good year to get rich with crypto, but will 2019 or 2020 be a good year for crypto. Honestly, I don't think so.
There are currently 1494 different cryptocurrencies in the whole market. Like wtf? Do you really think all of these coins are going to have a bright future, I don't think so. Most of them are just useless
And yes, there is going to be a crash and it is not a bad thing, it's a very gooood thing, because.. Cryptocurrency = just another payment, don't like USD, taxes etc.
In the future there will only be 10 -20 coins which will have a real product and an using-term for 'crypto-investors', like where it was made for. It's just as simple as it is, don't look for a long-term hold. Look for a 2018-2019 term. After that the real coins will appear, AND THEN YOU CAN START YOUR REAL LONG-INVESTMENT.