Mostly Paper Trading binaries on Nadex.
I follow what I learn mostly from Trade With Precision.
I trade what I am able to chart, and time determines how much I can chart.
As of now it's eurusd, gbpusd, usdjpy, and then who knows....
Nadex used to carry bitcoin price, but ended that in december for some reason.
I think I just figured out how to buy and sell steem here on the site.
I have a fraction of a bitcoin on bittrex that i need to move to poloniex and start trading some crypto there. i'm interested in dash, counterparty, onecoin, litecoin, bitcoin, & steem. i don't know what to make of monero and ether and don't have confidence in what i've heard from them.
i chart with trading view and try to post a few charts on my blog
i'm interested in continuing my trading education for a number of reasons.
it's interesting. it's tedious at times, but i find it interesting in the same way i find improv and sports interesting: i never know what's going to happen next, but when i allow myself to be present and go with the flow, it's an interesting journey of decisions and discoveries. it'd be nice to pay bills as a 'starving artist' and continue improv playing and teaching. also, it'd be nice to afford seeing family and friends without stressing.
thank you for starting this conversation @barrydutton. i'm looking forward to learning from more experienced players, traders, and investees here on the steem.
That is a top notch reply man!
I enjoyed reading all that and learning a bit more about you too.
Thanks Jacob.