Bitplay has been developing great gaming projects which most are set to launch early 2018, of which this projects are all fully blockchain backed.
2018 would see gaming through to an all new heights as this has been well perceived and forecasted by experts around the world.
All PlatformEvolving gaming to a whole new level requires a sustainable ecosystem in which gamers , aspiring gamers and sport lovers around the world are able to convert thier gaming abilities and passion into a profession and also earn a living. BitPlay ensues to foster this great change with its suites of gaming, gambling and other platforms which are set to launch.
One Currency, Diverse Platforms.
BitPlay being a fully blockchain based platform, would feature and enable its native cryptocurrency within all its Projects, Platforms, Apps and Ecosystem. The BTP Token would serve as the primary In-Game Currency for all BitPlay’s gambling and wagering products and widely used within the BitPlay’s ecosystem. As percieved, there would be a lot of activities and utilities around the BTP token and this in-turn would foster rapid growth for the coin’s value.BitPlay is changing and revolutionizing the entire gaming ecosystem with its suites of innovations and projects, in this light the BTP token is anticipated to being a universal-ly and massively adopted cryptocurrency.BTP would be made available for exchange on most reputable and mainstream cryptocurrency exchanges and would be available for purchase and trading in most jurisdictions around the world.
A decentralized World of Work and Play...
THE FUTURE OF GAMING : Considering the current gaming sphere in which gamers are perceived to be wasting off precious moment of their lives playing games which in turn do not provide them good to no financial income at all, this is all about to change with the advent of BitPlay's revolutionizing gaming systems and platforms. It's all about a new dawn and era for gamers all around the world, there is a vast majority of undiscovered, talented and sophisticated gamers in all part of the world, NOW is the time for gamers to be noticed like most sports icons and celebrities around the world, BitPlay is bridging this gap as well, in which gamers and aspiring gamers get discovered, natured, trained and inspired to rule their world.
Bitplay for sure is pioneering this great and amazing change majorly for gaming and sports as a whole
GAMBLING : Gambling has been a very great and lucrative indus-try which has grown over the years to become a MultiBillion dollar (If not trillion $) Industry. 2018 would see BitPlay through its first launch of gambling projects and applications. One of the first platforms to become publicly available to gamblers and gamers around the world is BitSport: An advanced and blockchain based eSports betting platform which features the native BitPlay crypto-currency (BTP) as its primary form of staking currency. Other gambling products which are currently under development would follow suit in the 2nd quarter of 2018.
The most fun is change and growth...
WAGERING : Wagering is a type of gambling, which involves betting on the outcome of an external event or fact, such as a sporting event. Introducing BitPlay most anticipated wagering platformGameFluk™ : GameFluk™ is a real time skill based wagering system in which gamers get to play and wager in real time on BitPlays gaming applications, this is as well blockchain backed in which BTP is the primary form of in-game curren-cy. GameFluk™ applications would be released to the public for beta testing at the last quarter of 2018 and officially launched early 2019. GameFluk™ is expected to be a game changing platform and technology which puts the power and ego in the hands of gamers around the world.
E-SPORTS : eSports has been a widely adopted gaming sect which is a rapidly growing industry, and has been massively adopted especially in continents such as Asia. BitPlay ensues to foster mass eSports adoption in all continents around the world, this is set to be achieved through BitPlay’s eSports initiative and platforms which is as well being developed as at the time of this white-paper release. BitPlay’s eSports platform creates an open eSports ecosystem which allows for discovering, training, incentivising gamers and aspiring gamers all around the world to beco.
BITPLAY TOKEN / COIN (BTP) : BitPlay being a fully blockchain based platform, would feature and enable its native cryptocurrency within all its Projects, Platforms, Apps and Ecosystem. In the crypto sphere, the value of a token/coin is based off of its utilities and adoption. BitPlay is changing and revolutionizing the entire gaming ecosystem with its suites of innovations and projects, in this light the BTP token is anticipated to being a universally and massively adopted cryptocurrency. BTP would trade on every reputable and popular crypto-currency exchanges and would be available for purchase in most jurisdictions around the world.
BITPLAY TOKEN SUPPLY A total of 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion) Token is been created on the blockchain and this figure would be the total and final supply made available.
Meet The Team
Charles AdenuoyeChief : Executive Officer
Ashwini ShankarChief : Technology Officer
Oleg Oleshchuk : Director of Technology
Thomas Saar : Marketing communication Advisor
Ding Yong : Lead Software Developer
Puja Dembla : Marketing & Research
Victor Ogunshina : Head of Corporate Engagement
author : jhonwick007
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