I'm on SCORUM! Come check it out. (healthy Steemit competition is popping up left and right)

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

SCORUM is a sports-themed, blockchain-based social media largely modeled after Steemit,

but with a focus on avoiding some of the pitfalls that the Steemit.com platform has faced over the last two years.

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I was tipped off to the existence of this site by my pal @schattenjaeger,BitTube. Pretty crazy. who has been blogging there for about a week now. This notification from @schattenjaeger comes right on the heels of another heads up published on Facebook by my friend Gabriel Scheare ( @pied-piper ), about a new video platform called

Combine that with the upcoming platform at Narrative, and there sure does seem to be a hell of a lot going on. I am going to have to purchase a new hard drive just to store all the goddamn passwords and keys! BUT. In the interest of discovery and progress, it is worth it!

So, if you are on SCORUM, or sign up, do follow Schattenjaeger and I and let's support one another there.




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


I’m there too! It’s nice having an actual community dedicated to a particular niche...and something as large as sports.

Here’s to hoping that it doesn’t end up just like this place.

Amen to that, brotha. Site is under maintenance now, but when it's back up, I'll find ya!

I agree on the niche thing. It seems more feasible, in a way. And sports is always a draw. It connects with nearly everyone and is much less bitchy than shit like philosophy (which I love, but...how it degenerates when the "intelligentsia" take over...I hate).

Anywho. Pretty excited about it, and yeah. May it avoid some of the pitfalls we have seen here.

What's your username there?

ats-david, silly!

He he. Just found ya!

It's a wonderful platform.
Good to see people from steemit joining scorum

Look there is another platform like steemit wow its great

Maybe. We'll see. Just glad there is competition. Maybe wake up some of the lazy investors here.

I hope its better than steemit

Steemit needs to fix what is wrong with steemit instead of some vague hope SMT's are going to make it all better, there are a few new platforms starting up, the next steemit is going to happen.....

i also just resteemed a post about bittube about an hour ago....

Well, definitely something to look into. I see you're 'a guy who likes to run' :) Have you tried @actifit yet? They reward you for activity! Pretty cool I think. Thanks for sharing this @kafkanarchy84

Ah...so that's what that is. Have seen a lot of posts, and wondered what the hell was so great about it. Now I get it :)

Yeah, got on board the Scorum train
How is it going with it?

So far so good. You there as well?